opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*makes herself comfortable in the Valar-box seat at the racetrack, which she's really enjoyed having all to herself for the last couple races*

(*which is to say, has a lot of popcorn and puts her feet up on the rail in front of her*)

*thinks this had better be worth the money she has riding on that maia kid*

Current Mood: chipper
Tags: yavanna, arien, fingon, tilion

From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/26/2007 14:47:22  

*makes his way to the neighbouring Royal Box*

*doesn't really like racing and had to be dragged out of the office to be here but understands that his presence is a Good Thing*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/26/2007 15:26:25  

*hardly ever sees anyone over there*

*wonders if there's a cultural shift she's unaware of*

*nods* Nice day for it. As long as Oromë's not here.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/26/2007 15:35:06  

*nods back politely* So my son tells me. You follow motorsport?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/26/2007 15:45:43  

Oh definitely. Especially the pre-season. Something has to take the edge off the Constant Vigilance.™

*sees the pit team for her second-best bet give a wave* Yeah, they might pull it out this time. :\
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/27/2007 14:21:59  

I must confess that I am here out of duty. My sister should be along presently. She is to present the winner's trophy.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/27/2007 21:36:12  

Good deal for her. It might even go to the right racer, you know.

*has guessed it's about as popular with the royal set as it is with the rest of the Valar*

*does still wonder if Aulë any of the rest of the bunch will turn up, not that she minds maybe :s*
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 07/28/2007 12:34:31  

*smiles wryly* Well, I imagine she's probably going to miss most of the race while she gets her hair and wardrobe done. *eyeroll* Although my son and nephew are rather more keen. They're down in the pits, probably wreaking havoc.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/28/2007 16:02:35  

They're down in the pits

Really? *frowns intently and looks down over the railing* Did they see how the pit teams are looking? Those things make a difference. :\
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/27/2007 06:44:44  

*gets out there to do that thing he does*

*soaks in the exhilarating presence of all those people*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/27/2007 08:47:59  

*wolf-whistles along with the crowd before the pistol goes off*

*really looks forward to a good race*
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/27/2007 09:44:31  

*gets things going quite stylishly by very nearly wrecking on Lap 7*

*gamely recovers and spends quite some time trading the lead with three or four of his toughest competitors, here maneuvering a hairpin turn, there trying to draw another driver into dangerous positioning*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/27/2007 10:15:00  

*gestures in clear frustration as a car towards the front cuts off a second who was just about to make a really awesome pass*
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/27/2007 10:54:43  

*sees TriMoto's driver making an early pit stop and realizes he hasn't properly worked out that guy's strategy at all*

*hopes he hasn't gambled unnecessarily with his tires*

*retakes the lead in a move that sends two cars skidding and tumbling in a crunch of metal and a cloud of smoke*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/27/2007 11:02:08  

*sits forward and watches the pack come closer to the finish line*

*sees the lead car make it through the crash and is pleased to find her bet was a good one*
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/27/2007 11:39:44  

*does not fail to maintain his lead the rest of the way, his concentration perfectly focused*

*as always, can hardly believe the race is nearing the finish even with all the excited radio chatter*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 07/27/2007 11:48:04  

*punches the air*

*somewhat smugly nods to the two guys on the next box over who had their money on one of the ones who wrecked* /;)
From: [info]azie Date: 07/28/2007 12:36:53  

*gets onto the radio as soon as she can*

That's my boy! Well done! Had us scared there for a while but shoulda known you'd pull through!
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/28/2007 15:44:44  

*laughing* Yep. You really should have. Just a walk in the park.

*finishes his victory lap and joins his crew* *climbs out of the car and stretches his limbs* *doesn't actually remove his helmet, of course*
From: [info]azie Date: 07/28/2007 15:52:30  

*dashes up to you and gives you a big hug*

*pats you on the top of the helmet and beams at you* C'mon, c'mon. Apparently, the Lady of Hithlum is going to present you with the trophy.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/28/2007 22:04:05  

*makes sure he lets go of you a split second before you let go of him* *secretly smiles at the look you're giving him right now*

*nonchalantly (despite being hot and sweaty and wanting to get the fuck out of Dodge)* Another Cup. Where am I supposed to put this one?
From: [info]azie Date: 07/29/2007 08:57:22  

*laughs, gleefully* You'll just have to have another house built, that's all.

*turns away from the camera flashes* Okay, you go get the prize. I'll deal with the press. *smiles up at you again* Brilliant.

*disappears off to powder her nose before she faces the press on your behalf*
Community: [info]opus_two
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