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*has a couple strange days at work, feeling pretty preoccupied*

*wonders if he should call/not call Haleth*

*pulls up a stool at the bar at the Rose*

*leafs through a paper someone left behind and sees an ad he's pretty glad he missed* :\ :s

*edgily drums his fingers on the bartop*

Tags: nerdanel, celebrimbor, mablung, maglor

From: [info]mablung Date: 07/29/2007 21:42:26  

*glances at your paper from the next barstool down*

*taking in your expression* Not big on the arts then?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/29/2007 21:55:38  

*mutters* Not really. From that family.

*irritably* Must have been a helluva show.
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/29/2007 21:59:08  

*shrugs* It wasn't bad.

*grinning* I suppose it could be said that I got a better look at the booze than anything, though. No arrests, fortunately. Or unfortunately for Elu, I guess.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/29/2007 22:07:36  

No arrests, fortunately. Or unfortunately for Elu, I guess.

*about to get back to minding his own business when he hears that* ...They were expecting something big there? Art shows aren't big on brawls. ;) :\
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/29/2007 22:13:48  

*with far more amusement than concern for the injustice of it all* These are Fëanorians we're talking about here, mate. Elu doesn't need a reason to take those blokes in.

*sighs* Damned waste, in a way, but...well. Orders are orders. Quite a few of them ended up showing, though. We could've bound and gagged the lot. *eyes glaze over*
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/29/2007 22:23:36  

These are Fëanorians we're talking about here, mate

*goes along with it quite without difficulty* Too right, eh? You wonder how they even think they can come here.

Damned waste, in a way, but...well. Orders are orders

*lets that register* *a little puzzled* Really? Your boss let 'em off? *clears his throat* Guess they must have been on their best behaviour. *eyeroll*
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 07:32:55  

Your boss let 'em off?

Eh. I'm guessing she's shagging one of them. Fraternizing with the enemy like that, she's not likely to keep her- my- Beleg's job any longer'n I did.

*takes a drink from his pint glass* *conversationally* You from around here?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 08:33:40  

Fraternizing with the enemy like that

*genuinely pauses* You don't say?

*suddenly feels very restless sitting there just now* Hm? Oh. Yeah, sort of... passing through, kinda. *grasps for small-talk* Yeah, caves... really have their own charm, eh?
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 08:50:30  

*thinking* Well, I lasted four or five months, so I imagine she'll at least double that. *charitably* She does keep the office running a bit more smoothly.

caves... really have their own charm, eh?

*stretches casually* Yeah, you bet, hometown pride and all that, blah blah blah. *smiles flirtatiously* But when I stop to think about it, it is pretty snug here. I can't complain.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 09:10:42  

keep the office running a bit more smoothly

*almost laughs* *thinks you must not mean the same woman who stores her spare clothes on her living room furniture* *charitably* Well that helps, doesn't it?

*starts to finish his beer* *totally fails to notice the smile, being preoccupied and you being, um, MALE* Snug. Yeah. They should put that on the brochures.

*gets up and pulls up his jacket*
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 09:19:37  

*with perfect sincerity* Oh, yeah. Haleth's insanely organized. *ah, relativity*

*vaguely wonders, not for the first time, why the straight guys always insist on playing hard-to-get* *rests his chin on his hand and looks at you* Was it something I said? It usually is.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 09:34:29  

insanely organized

*yeah, is pretty sure now you're full of it*

Was it something I said? It usually is.

*fishing out some bills for his tab*




*stalks a little unevenly back out to the street*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 09:38:58  

*is stopped outside an art supply shop in the art district near the Rose, setting up supplies for his mother for when she visits*

*funny how the bohemian places are never in the classy parts of town, isn't it?* ;)

*finishes up the order with the owner as he exits* Yes if you could have it sent to the address there. Don't forget the linen as well, she might well prefer that over the cotton duck but both unstretched. I'll let her select the canvas size herself.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 09:42:38  

*making his way back from the bar, on his way to find Haleth to confirm the reports who knows where*

*gets sight of you and stops, not quite alert enough to keep hidden* Oh that's perfect.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 10:31:36  

*stops on the sidewalk to check the train schedules on his mobile phone* *thinks he has time to get a cup of coffee before he's "arrested" or something* ;)

*takes a few steps and sees you hanging there*

*optimistically* Telperinquar?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 10:33:28  

*oh, great, you did see him*

*screws his face into a grimace* ...Why do you all have to call me that? Stop calling me that.

*starts to turn away*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 10:41:09  

*a little taken aback* But it's your name...?

*takes a few steps to catch up to you* Are you alright? How long have you been in town? I should have been in touch with you myself first, my brother's been terrible about it I'm sure.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 10:45:01  

*mutters* Doesn't mean anything to me. If it does to him.

*stops, making sure he keeps his distance from you*

my brother's been terrible about it I'm sure.

Yeah, you know him well, huh? :\ Look if I wanted you people to know I was here, I'd have mentioned it, alright? Or can't you take a hint.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 10:48:13  

*stays where he is now that he's sure you're not moving*

Or can't you take a hint


It's not like that, you know. It doesn't have to be, we're not all like your father--
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 10:50:44  

*is not in the mood for debate* Yeah, well what's done is done, right? So let's not go back there. Ever.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 10:54:07  

*has noticed by this point you're not in your sober completely right mind* :\

So you're going to do what, pretend we don't exist? Not the strategy I'd recommend, really. We're hard to avoid.

*goes to put a hand out to your arm, diplomatically* Look, we're really not all as bad as you seem to think, having family here could be a good thing for you, we could help.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 10:58:15  

*pre-emptively backslaps your hand away* Don't, alright. I don't want your help, I never did.

*buoyed by the confidence that comes from having a few pints in him* Way I see it though, you're the one should be watching out. Or didn't you know there's a warrant out for you guys.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 11:02:31  

*rights himself* *thinks this'll be harder than he expected* :| It's what you do for family, you know, help. I'm sorry you were never taught that.

Or didn't you know there's a warrant out for you guys

*waves a hand, unconcerned* Yes, quite. If it was that crucial I'd have been in a cell weeks ago, wouldn't I? I've committed no crimes here.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 11:08:22  

I'm sorry you were never taught that

*incredulously* What, is that like, the official apology or something? You're kind of late.

I've committed no crimes here

*evenly* Oh, that's not the way it is, or haven't you heard? *narrows his eyes* Crimes of the First Age'll get you pretty far on your own.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 11:11:20  

*thinks if you're trying to stretch his patience you're doing a very good job of it*

*also thinks you're more like your father than you'd like to admit, just at this moment*

Crimes of the First Age

*takes a step right into your personal space*

Oh, we all suffered then to be sure, boy. You'd best remember that in future.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 11:14:38  

*snaps* Don't talk to me about suffering, don't talk to me about anything. Eru, don't you all get it? Denouncement, cutting ties, end of story :|

Or maybe this is how you all understand it-- *gives you a shove to the chest* Just stay away from me.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 11:17:16  

*staggers back*

*straightens and grabs you by the front of your jacket*

You really don't want to make this harder on yourself, pup. My brothers will make it hard enough all by themselves.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 11:34:40  

*sneers back*

Yeah, I don't think so, uncle. See, there's one or two people in this town who know me and'll do for me. Cause see, unlike the rest of you, my actions speak for themselves.

*slaps you hard enough to get you off him again*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 11:35:45  

*darkly* Oh yes, your actions are speaking very loudly right now, aren't they, boy?
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 11:36:46  

Yeah. Loud enough for you? :|

*swings a punch at your jaw*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 11:39:43  

*is knocked back*

*and is really pretty pissed now*

*shoves you back toward the store wall*

It's not me you're fighting, so why don't you quit while you're standing. :|
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 11:46:08  

*stays there after he straightens*

Keep at it then. Just gives the cops more time to find you.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 11:48:17  

*shakes his head, working his sore jaw* It's a big city. :\

*even still, flashes a look toward the store next door and sees the clerk running toward their phone*
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 11:51:27  

*smirks* Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 11:59:27  

*finds himself on duty (despite whatever the presence of a few pints may logically suggest) and within shouting distance of a real, honest-to-Eru disturbance*

*has No. Idea. what to do here*

*sighs and strides out of the Rose without bothering to pay his bill, because hey, police emergency* *radios for backup*

*walks over and draws himself up* What seems to be the problem, gentlemen? *dies a little inside upon actually hearing himself use that phrase*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 15:20:06  

*puts space between his nephew and himself*

*silently counts to ten* >:\
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 15:23:11  

*finds himself a little less calm on the inside, adrenaline and all*

*because, hey, that actually WORKED*

*points to Maglor* Wanted, right? You should take him and his relatives far far away, right?
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 15:29:25  

*eyeroll* All right, hands up against the wall, nice and slow. Both of you. *to nobody in particular* Public fisticuffs, I ask you. Can't we all just get along?

*looks Maglor over for a moment* Yeah. About a hundred warrants out for this one. And? *keeps a really-pretty-steady eye on both of you while he waits for his backup*
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 15:36:44  

Can't we all just get along?

*thinks you obviously know nothing about his relatives then*

*isn't really clear-headed at the moment himself*

*mutters as he puts his hands behind his head* He's the one you want...
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 15:39:08  

He's the one you want...

*RIGHT* *since I was just MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS in a city that wants my family behind bars.

*irritably turns to face the wall, as asked*

*plans to say nothing until there is a lawyer present*
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 15:43:43  

*sees his help arrive in the form of a shapely female officer* *lets her cover Celebrimbor while he cuffs you* *to him* Oh, you can go. Soon as the boys downtown are done asking you a few questions. And don't try anything sudden because Fíriel here will go straight for your balls. I'm speaking from personal experience.

*to you* You, Maglor Fëanorion, are under arrest for really stupidly acting up while half the city cops and a handful of reward hunters are already trying to bag your ass. *pokes you in the back as a signal for you to get walking* *cheerfully* Here we go then.
From: [info]handofsilver Date: 07/30/2007 16:09:08  

Oh, you can go.

*relieved* Oh, great, that's--

Soon as the boys downtown are done asking you a few questions.

--great, sure, no problem. *tries to remember how many pints he actually had* *can't have been that many, right?*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 16:10:38  

really stupidly acting up

*glares* That's the official term, is it?

*does his most dignified he can, while being hand-cuffed and shoved down the street* :\
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 16:28:14  

*brightly* Sure is! And I suspect Elu will just stick with "being worthless Noldo scum" so really, you're getting off pretty easy at the moment.

*directs Fíriel to take Celebrimbor to the station for questioning*

*escorts you to the jail and goes about being surprised he still remembers the booking procedures* Visiting day's Sunday. *jokingly* Any last requests?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 16:43:01  

*quietly fumes*

I'm entitled to a phone call, I believe?
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 16:49:49  

*a bit pityingly* To tell you the truth, mate, you and your brothers have got next to no rights around these parts. But I like to think I'm a decent kinda guy, so...

*hands you his own cell phone* Make it quick, okay? I'm way over my minutes.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 16:55:11  

*does not fail to note the irony of his icon keywords*

*takes it and does a few mental calculations*

*knows Elrond is sympathetic in town* *but thinks this would be a most inappropriate burden for him* :S

*dials Nerdanel's number*
From: [info]mahtaniel Date: 07/30/2007 16:59:42  

*sees an unfamiliar number and debates whether to pick up, as she's covered in paint*

*ultimately decides she needs a break and her phone could use a facelift anyway*

From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 17:03:43  

Naneth? It's Macalaurë, I've only got moment.

I'm in Delving. I'm being taken for holding by the Marchwardens. Telperinquar's gotten me into deep shit :\ run into me. Find a barrister, see what you can do? And I got you the nicest canvases you're going to just LOVE them.
From: [info]mahtaniel Date: 07/30/2007 17:12:38  

*blink, blink*

Find a barrister, see what you can do?

*immediately and comfortingly* Don't worry, pumpkin, I'll get you out of there somehow just as soon as I can.


*tries not to sound as confused/exasperated as she feels* Don't say anything to anyone, all right, darling? I'm sure it's all a silly misunderstanding because you're the good one.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 17:23:10  

*allows just a tiny amount of irritation to show through* It's all a misunderstanding, really. :\ You may as well let Curufin know as well, his son's being taken for questioning. It'll be rich, I'm sure.

*quietly* Thanks, mum.
From: [info]mahtaniel Date: 07/30/2007 17:32:45  

*swallows* *does not allow herself to panic* I'll do that. And he'll care so much, the impossible child.

Just hold tight, lovey. Try not to think of summary execution. I'll make some calls right now and then I'll be down to see you.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 17:57:02  

*nods against the phone*

Alright. Good. Okay. Take care coming down, yes? See you soon.

*presses "End" and hands the phone back to Mablung*
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 19:39:31  

*returns his phone to his pocket*

*leads you to your cell* In you go. It may be a bit more rustic than you're used to, 'm afraid.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 22:10:19  

Oh you're KIDDING ME.


*can only stand there and stare as the bars close behind him*

*wonders if there's any surface safe for him to touch, OME*
From: [info]mablung Date: 07/30/2007 22:13:49  

*thinks the whiny upper-class types always have it the roughest at first*

If it makes you feel better... *was going to suggest that your case would likely come to trial quickly, but remembered how Thingol would have been content to let Beren rot behind bars for all eternity* Sorry, I got nothin'.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 07/30/2007 22:17:41  


*through the bars* You can be certain you'll be hearing from my lawyer.
Community: [info]opus_two
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