opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*is finally satisfied with her hair and wardrobe* *ie: looks pretty ravishing*

*hears that the favourite won the Grand Prix*

*goes out to the podium to present the trophy to the winner*

Tags: tilion, aredhel

From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/29/2007 21:29:07  

*scopes out the crowd for his escape route even as he goes to be the center of attention*

*doesn't really look at you until he's actually accepting the trophy from your hands*

*...* *feels his heart skip a beat*
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/30/2007 19:21:29  

*smiles brightly at you* Congratulations. *hands you the cup* So. You're the one who doesn't take off his helmet. *lightly* Shame, that. You'll have terrible helmet hair at the end of it all. *smiles and waves at the cameras* I think we're done here?
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/30/2007 19:42:50  

*captivated* For once I find myself tempted to take that particular piece of advice, Lady...?

*presses your hand with his, still drinking in the sight of you*
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/30/2007 19:46:20  

*arches an eyebrow* Do not get our hopes up, please. I'm not sure our hearts could take it. *squeezes your hand gently, still smiling at the cameras* Írissë is my name, sometimes Ar-Feiniel, usually of Hísilómë.

And your name is a mystery, is it not?
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/30/2007 19:54:03  

*pushes his helmet up a few inches, just far enough to raise your hand to his lips*

*settling his helmet once more* No fair asking the leading questions while my guard's down, my lady. I may just answer to whatever strikes your fancy.

*steps down off the platform and lifts his arms to help you*
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/30/2007 20:01:43  

*delicately allows you to help her down, gifting you with another smile* Ah, men say that in the beginning but the guard is never down for long, is it?

From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/30/2007 20:14:03  

*can't help laughing* Is that the secret to keeping my heart intact, then? Mine keeps making its way to my sleeve somehow. Very inconvenient.

*feels a mad urge to tell you something about the real him before remembering that it won't do to flirt in this incarnation* *despite himself* I can't recall any of my wins on this track being quite this enjoyable, Írissë. I should thank you.
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/31/2007 14:52:47  

Well, I do aim to please. Given the number of wins my son informs me that you have, I feel most honoured.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/31/2007 15:01:38  

Your son informs you? *after a split-second's hesitation* Perhaps if you'll meet me for a drink sometime you can explain why you're not my biggest fan?
From: [info]irisse Date: 07/31/2007 15:10:11  

I shall hold you to that, you know. *steps away from you towards the crowds* I shall be in the Royal Duck at nine o'clock tonight.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 07/31/2007 15:23:19  

And now to wash off the day. *nods and waves to you slightly as he moves in the opposite direction with security to avoid being mobbed* My lady.

*...has no clue what he's going to do about this*
Community: [info]opus_two
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