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*leaves his spoiled, good-for-nothing dear son a voicemail:*

Hey, kid, it's Dad. I'm leaving town in about an hour in case you still feel like ditching this hellhole. If not, guess I'll catch you next time.

*goes to the train station to wait* *spends the time happily picturing the look on Aredhel's face when she realizes she's not the favored parent anymore*

Current Mood: optimistic
Tags: eol, maeglin

From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 07/30/2007 19:48:01  

*comes straight from the race, having seen his mother present the trophy to the Awesome Race Winner*

*just about reaches the station scant minutes before the train is due to leave*
From: [info]moriquende Date: 07/30/2007 19:57:52  

*sees you coming and holds up one hand as you approach* You'd better know what you're getting into before you come along. Ground rules, I mean.

*ticks the first off on his finger* One, try not to get yourself killed. Two...nah. *cheerfully* That's about it, really. Sound good?
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 07/31/2007 14:54:43  

*does not remember you being quite this genial* *thinks that the fall off Caragdûr must have done you some good!*

Sounds absolutely peachy, Dad!
From: [info]moriquende Date: 07/31/2007 14:59:33  


Aw. Bless.

*boards the train and finds his seat* The first thing I'll teach you when we get there is how to commit credit card fraud against your mother without getting caught. That way I don't have to give you money.
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 07/31/2007 15:13:31  

*looks at you with something like awe* That'd be awesome? You know how to do that? You are way cooler than Mom.
From: [info]moriquende Date: 07/31/2007 15:20:24  

Do I know how to do that? Oh, Maeglin. *shakes his head in mock dismay and 'tsk's* Your education has been sorely lacking.
From: [info]maeglinlomion Date: 07/31/2007 17:05:39  

*enthralled* Seriously, Dad, that's so cool. What else can you do?
From: [info]moriquende Date: 07/31/2007 17:40:00  

*rubs his chin* Well now let's see. I can show you how to keep tabs on just about anybody. I can get you into any event, any day, any time. What else do you want to know?

*as if imparting great wisdom* It's all about having friends in low places, see, and your fingers in all the right pies.
Community: [info]opus_two
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