Most primates are fairly protective of their young. Of course, it's usually the female, but somehow I don't see Elenwë having much of a maternal instinct, do you?
*eyeroll* Yes, I did gather that much, thank you. But the plan, Curvo. What's the plan?
*sighs* Alas, no. And she didn't screech at me or attempt to claw my face off or anything. It was a little disturbing.
*has just thought of another potential problem with the non-plan* Do we even know whether Nelyo will be on board for this? Or will she do as Mother says out of some misplaced desire for female bonding?
*without the slightest doubt* Yes, I'm sure you're right. I ought to have known better.
Not all of our female relatives are as -- fiery as sweet Írissë or, indeed, my own dearly beloved, you know.
*looking unusually pensive* Still. I can't help but think now that little Itarillë's worst offense was simply... Ah well. It's not important.
*even as it dawns on him that he hasn't actually talked to Írissë since the day he rescued her from Eöl's clutches* How is the old ball and chain? *innocently* Besides fiery, of course.
*defensively* I did her a favor, honestly. She's not even especially unpleasant but she's far too trusting. I didn't think there was a soul alive who'd trust me that implicitly.
The plan is a variation on the Hobbit Gambit. While our Mother makes the appropriate legal overtures one would expect, I will target one of the younger -- more impressionable -- guards. Once I have the keys, you and Moryo and Curvo will transport Cáno directly to Hísilómë. I am confident that Findekáno will help with anti-extradition measures although he does not know yet.
It's an odd thought, to be sure. *cheerfully* But seeing as you're the stubborn one, big brother, I imagine the rest of us don't have much say in the matter.
So long as you know that I'm still in charge, all will be well. I'm staying at the Royal Hotel and I've left a key to my suite in reception for you. The names on the envelope are Athos, Porthos and Aramis.
You boys will have to fight over who gets the spare bed.