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*has been standing in a florist's shop, changing his mind, for at least ten minutes now*

Not roses, roses are too much, we're only meeting for a drink...wildflowers, then...very spontaneous and unstudied...but maybe she'd think any flowers are presumptuous?...they'd look sort of lame in comparison, anyway, she's so beautiful...she'd think i was trying to gild the rose...no, wait, that's lilies, right?...except aren't lilies for funerals?...anyway, no flowers is kinda modern...is modern good?...maybe she likes a traditional guy...oh eru what if she likes a kinky guy??

*realizes he's running late and forces himself to make a quick decision before heading over to the Royal Duck* *thinks that cool cat of a driver would never be this indecisive and jumpy*

Current Mood: stressed
Tags: gil-galad, fingon, tilion, aredhel

From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 14:09:26  

*is sitting at the bar in the Royal Duck, sipping a champagne cocktail*

*is speaking animatedly with the barman over the right way to make a Blushing Bride*
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 14:13:25  

*spots you right away*

*wonders whether you'll mind the interruption*

*gets up the courage to come over eventually* Well, if it isn't the world's worst race fan.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 14:19:18  

*takes a moment before realising who you must be* I could not find my son after the race, otherwise I should have quite impressed you with y depth of knowledge.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 14:31:48  

*sits up next to you* Oh, I don't mind not discussing work. I really, really don't mind. And...um. It's Tilion, by the way. *only half-joking* If my manager ever finds out that I told anyone before I told her, my days as a corporeal being may be in jeopardy.

I could not find my son after the race

*uncomfortably* Oh, that...it's not something serious, I hope?
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 14:40:58  

It's lovely to meet you, properly. *raises her eyebrows* Bit of a change from driving the moon, no? *seems completely unphased by the fact she's talking to one of Arda's more famous Maiar*

*shakes her head* Oh, I should not worry. He has an independent streak. I'm sure he'll find his way back to his uncle and cousin.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 14:48:19  

*smiles* Just a bit, yes. *damn, when is the "why yes, I am a Maia" bit ever going to be useful?*

He has an independent streak.

*runs a hand through his hair* Challenging, you mean. I think I know the type.

*apparently apropos of nothing* Oh, before I forget... *takes out his cell phone and switches to camera mode and shows you the various photos he took of flowers in the flower shop* I got you these. Sort of. I mean, I didn't want to be too...well. You can decide whether any of these thoughts counts. *half to himself* Though I always sort of wondered whether the guy who first said that wasn't just always skint.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 14:57:51  

*leans in close to look at the picture* Oh, aren't you sweet? I take it your guard is still down, then?

*points to the wildflowers* I like those. They never grew in Ondolindë. I wonder if they do now.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 15:04:16  

*is pretty damn relieved the not-flowers went over so well*

*reddens slightly* I honestly think I must've misplaced my guard and never got around to finding another one. *sheepish grin* Did I forget to mention this earlier?

Are you from Ondolindë originally then?
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 15:11:41  

*waves a hand at you* Oh, I'll help you look. :)

*sips her drink* Oh, no. Well, to make a long story even longer. On Arda? I was born in Tirion and I was part of the Flight of the Noldor which was, as it turned out, a rather massive mistake. I stayed with my brother, Turukáno. He's way less uptight than my brother, Findekáno. I lived in Ondolindë for years but then I took it into my head to go wandering. Met the wrong sort of guy, who at least gave me my son, before *coughs*killing me. *shrugs* Anyway, the only difference this time is that I spend more time with 'káno than with Turvo and my son came back with no input from my ex-husband which is precisely how one's children should be acquired, if you ask me.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 15:16:52  


Ah. *clears his throat* Well, in defense of my sex, I think it's my duty to tell you that murderous tendencies are not standard-issue. I mean, there was that one time I shot a man in Rhûn just to watch him die, but there was no wife or kid involved or anything.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 15:37:04  

*gasps before clapping her hands over her mouth and giggling* Oh, you wicked, man. I almost believed you there.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 15:42:12  

*bursts out laughing* No, no, you didn't. Seriously? I am probably the most harmless person in the entire universe.

*thinks about how that must sound* *hides his head in his arms* Oh god, now you really do think I'm psychotic.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 15:46:59  

*smiles at you* *whispers close to your ear* Hey, I married psychotic, remember? And I'm pretty sure that's not you.

*sits up again and orders another Blushing Bride*
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 15:50:57  

*catches the faint scent of your perfume when you lean close to him* *rubs the back of his neck* Maybe I'm the one who should be worried then, huh?

*orders himself a beer* *points to your drink* I don't think I know that one.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 15:54:44  

Oh, it's got champagne, peach schnapps and grenadine in it? Only I prefer it with cranberry instead of grenadine which certain people don't appreciate. *shoots a mock-fierce glare at the barman*

From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 16:36:31  

*turns a extraordinarily unconvincing scowl on the bartender as well*

*coolly* It's obviously cranberry. Pfft. Grenadine.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 16:41:28  

*smiles brightly* That's right! You tell him!
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 16:49:16  

*slams his hand on the bar in a manly fashion and jumps a little* I demand an explanation for this! No bar worth its salt or lime or peanuts or whatever would--

*whispers to you behind his hand* What's grenadine, anyway?
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 08/02/2007 16:54:44  

*has been dragged down to the Royal Duck by his son*

Fine, fine. I'll take you to Balar. Look, I've said I will and so I -- Írissë?
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 17:20:18  

*hears Íriss&ueml;'s name and turns slightly, curious*

*touches her on the shoulder (sigh) and nods toward you*
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 17:26:52  

*looks over her shoulder* *lets out a soft sigh*

Oh, Eru. My brother, 'káno, and his son-- Gil-galad, 'káno, what brings you here?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/02/2007 17:28:03  

Hey, Aunt Aredhel! We're just celebrating that Dad's going to take a holiday! It'll only be for a weekend, for the next F1 race in Balar? But he will, in fact, be leaving Hithlum!
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 18:07:20  

*waits patiently for an introduction and tries not to look too amused*
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 18:10:27  

*shakes her head* I'm not going to ask what you've put in your father's breakfast cereal but drugging Findekáno in order to get your own way is not really fair play.

*smiles* Tilion, I'd like you to meet my brother, Findekáno, and my nephew, Gil-galad. Boys, this is Tilion. He ... he came to town for the race too.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/02/2007 18:11:49  

--what you've put in your father's breakfast cereal--

I don't think Dad even eats breakfast.

He ... he came to town for the race too.

*cheerfully* Just like every tourist in town. *offers Tilion his hand* Pleased to meet you.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 18:14:29  

*shakes hands with both you and Fingon* *cheerfully* Oh, yeah. Not a bad hobby, you know?

This is quite a coincidence. Írissë was just telling me about her family.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 08/02/2007 18:17:41  

*nods at you* Well, to hear Gil-galad go on about it, it's the only hobby.

*smiles* I'm not sure I want to hear what my darling sister's been saying about me.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 18:21:34  

*laughs* Well, we hadn't quite gotten as far as tabloid fodder, if that's what you mean. *frowns a little* Not that I'm suggesting there's...I mean obviously I'd have no way of--It's good to meet you both.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/02/2007 18:40:23  

Oh, 'káno is quite, quite boring, I can promise you. *diplomatically doesn't say anything about Gil-galad's escapades*
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/02/2007 18:47:45  

*looks honestly surprised by this information* I wouldn't think running a country could get all that uninteresting.
From: [info]irisse Date: 08/06/2007 18:14:40  

*cheerfully* Oh, Findekáno can suck the fun out of anything.
From: [info]skilledhero Date: 08/06/2007 18:16:03  

*pleasantly* And on that ever-so-complementary note, what say you and I find a table, Gil-galad? And leave your aunt in peace?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/06/2007 18:16:49  

*grins* Yeah, Eru forbid we should cramp Auntie Írissë's style.
From: [info]ilinsor Date: 08/06/2007 21:30:16  

*amiably* See you later then. Maybe. I mean, I hope. If I don't muck this up completely?

Have a good time on Balar. *grins* EnerGeo's guy's going to be out for revenge after that wreck, I'll bet.
Community: [info]opus_two
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