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*has been called home!* *can't wait to show up on Túrin's doorstep*

*figures she should get straight to business* *goes down to Marchwarden HQ and asks to be shown into the Chief Marchwarden's Office*

Tags: haleth, beleg

From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/02/2007 17:33:44  

*is busy filing about a million papers that Mablung couldn't be bothered to touch* *thought she could be disorganized, yeesh*

*hears you come in but doesn't look up* If it's about the roster, I don't wanna hear another complaint. I swear you guys would bitch even if I put you all in sector four on two-hour beats.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/02/2007 17:38:21  

*snorts with amusement* They'd bitch if you put them all in the canteen.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/02/2007 17:40:25  

*glances up in surprise upon hearing an unfamiliar voice*

*amiably* Boy, ain't that the truth. What can I do for ya?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/02/2007 17:52:25  

*walks towards you, offering her hand* Beleg Cúthalion. I gather you've been running things very well in my absence.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/02/2007 18:05:19  

*shakes your hand reflexively* *blinks*

*bursts into a fit of hysterical giggling* Oh those fucking bastards. *snicker-snort* It's really great to-- *dissolves into laughter again*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/02/2007 18:07:31  

*raises her eyebrows, smiling slightly with surprise* Dare I ask what the little hellions have done or should I start roundly knocking heads together?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/02/2007 18:11:14  

*collects herself with some difficulty*

Sorry! Sorry, I'm sorry. *giggle* Would you believe, in all the time I've been here, not one of these losers bothered to tell me you were...well...the tits are a bit of a shock. Bloody Mandos, but this is an honor though! The famous Beleg Cúthalion!
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/02/2007 18:20:24  

*bursts out laughing* Oh. Oh, why doesn't that surprise me? I'm sure you've already found that they're excellent at omitting important details.

Elwë has spoken highly of you, by his standards, I must say. It will be nice to have a capable and competent officer on the books. *hastily* Not that I'm trying to elbow you aside, Eru, no. I imagine I'll take a few days off to settle back in and get to grips with the walking disaster zone that is Mablung.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/02/2007 18:27:00  

Elwë has spoken highly of you, by his standards, I must say.

*well pleased* Did he then? That's a mighty good thing to hear. Bit of a nutter, that one.

Not that I'm trying to elbow you aside, Eru, no.

*makes a dismissive motion* Aw, don't worry about that. I've always known this was a short-term gig, yeah? But if you need an extra pair of hands sorting out some of this junk--

the walking disaster zone that is Mablung

*nods gravely* --Mablung. *figures that says it all, really*

Oh! Um, and I'm Haleth, obviously. I don't mind telling ya you can have this part back. I'd kinda rather be out gettin' my hands dirty anyway.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/02/2007 18:37:56  

Bit of a nutter, that one.

*laughs softly* He's my ... my man's foster-father and, all accounts, I'd have to agree with you.

But if you need an extra pair of hands sorting out some of this junk--

Oh, you can be sure that your position as lieutenant will be made permanent as soon as I fill out the paperwork.

I'd kinda rather be out gettin' my hands dirty anyway.

*smiles broadly* Well, it'll be nice to have someone with a bit of enthusiasm on the team.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/02/2007 18:45:57  

my man's foster-father

*puts two and two together* Túrin, right? Mablung's been running off, claiming "secondary military duties" out his way but I don't buy it for a second.

you can be sure that your position as lieutenant will be made permanent

That is all kinds of cool right there. *thinks she'll have no problem telling Haldar about this change as it's much lower-pressure*

Oh yeah. I should warn you, we just got a high-security prisoner in the other day. *coughs* My best mate's brother, no less.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/06/2007 18:20:51  

*grins* Yeah, Túrin, that's right.

..but I don't buy it for a second.

*rolls her eyes* That sounds like Mablung. Good on you, though. You do have his number, don't you?

we just got a high-security prisoner in the other day.

*calmly* Ah, yes. Macalaurë Canafinwë. That should make for an interesting diplomatic incident few days.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/06/2007 21:34:24  

You do have his number, don't you?

*authoritatively* Oh, yeah. *laughs* He's not so amazingly subtle with the excuses, you know?

Maglor's been pretty quiet so far, all told. His mum and his lawyer and- *sifts through some papers for a list* -some chick named Finduilas come and go pretty often. They're quiet, too. *looking vaguely conflicted* To hear the king, this one's in for the long haul.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/07/2007 14:48:19  

No. I'm not sure Mablung and subtlety have ever been even passing acquaintances.

...some chick named Finduilas come and go pretty often.

*raises her eyebrows* Finduilas? Huh. Interesting.
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/07/2007 14:56:37  

*interestedly* Oh, you know her? But yeah. No suspicious rectangular cakes or anything though. *snickers* Yet.
Community: [info]opus_two
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