opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*finds home has pretty much settled into routine again* :\

*and finds the Thingol nation-state Delving all too sober these days* (*I mean, loves the Noldor and everything but come on*)

*does what makes her feel important she does best and skirts Doriath for traps* *needs to be up on the populations before the AGM anyway*

*follows a river to make sure the food sources aren't compromised*

Current Mood: working
Tags: yavanna, ulmo

From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/20/2007 18:49:15  

*Ambles along the river, trying to think of SOMETHING vaguely interesting to put in his report.*

Salinity levels? URGH.
Fish stocks? Yawn.
Mayfly predation rates? Sigh.
Algae levels? Bah.

From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/20/2007 18:57:24  

*hears some noises behind her and whips around, cocking her rifle just in case.

Oh. Sorry.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/20/2007 19:06:17  

Woah, woah, Yavanna! It's me, why are you packing?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/20/2007 19:12:33  

*lowers* Sorry, sorry.

It's for protection. You never know.

*eyes you* I thought you were in the city these days? Enjoying the showers?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/20/2007 19:20:49  

Protection...from what?

I am, usually. *sighs* Manwë and Varda have twisted my arm, I've got to put together a report for this damn meeting.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/20/2007 19:26:20  

Oh it's not for me. It's for the kelvar. *wondering what other possible answer there would be* Um. Oromë doesn't do subtle hints. ¬_¬

Oh right. *straightens, sniffs* Mine's ready. I came to verify numbers.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/20/2007 19:38:27  

Ah. Haven't managed to convince him of the appeal of drag-hunts then?

Hm. Think I can wing it?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/20/2007 21:25:56  

*snorts* If you can't draw CRUEL POINTLESS SENSELESS blood, why would he bother?

*looks at you oddly* Why would you want to wing it? It's important.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 15:37:48  

*shrug* Touché.

No it isn't. *gestures to the land in front of him.* THIS is important. Meetings for meetings' sake? Horseshit.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 15:44:30  

*a little defensively*

It's not just for the meeting's sake, I mean how else does anyone ever actually listen to me do you get it on the books? Manwë'd never pay attention otherwise.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 16:18:56  

And when it "get it on the books" what happens then? Are these books written to be seen or must they just be seen to be written?

I just think if something truly important comes up, we'll colaborate as a matter of course. I don't see the point in scheduled conflab. It's so forced.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 18:12:23  

*honestly doesn't understand* We have to keep track of it. You never know what will turn into gigantic holes of Discord. Don't you want to be prepared for problems instead of rushing to clean them up "when something important comes up"?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 18:36:22  

I'll improvise, I did some of my best work when I was flying by the seat of my pants. It's what I do, I'm the jazz-man o' this pantheon.

Yavanna, you just need to relax a little. You're all tense and trigger-happy. It's not good, you can't think straight when you're like that and all then all the cataloguing and planning in the world won't help.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 18:50:11  

jazz-man o' this pantheon

Well, to each their own, right? *feeling ruffled* I like what I do, okay? My creations are important to me. This stuff matters.

*under her breath* It's not like doesn't just do what they want, anyway...
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 19:17:29  

Don't misunderstand me. I agree that this stuff matters but nattering about it in a conference room so far-removed from it all that Domino's Pizza don't even deliver that far out? Not so much. I don't think the complexity and granduer of what we've made here can be reduced to a powerpoint presentation. Just strikes me as a rather pointless excercise.

*Sits cross-legged on the ground.*
*Takes off his jacket and lays it beside him and pats it.* Come. Sit. Tell Uncle Ulmo all about it.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 19:37:45  

*sighs* That's all fine and good if all you want to do is read off a memo. Sometimes there's no substitute for face time. Or else Manwë wouldn't get off the sofa.

*takes a half a step and then freezes* "Uncle Ulmo"? Ulluboz, I've known you since we stocked the Gelion. ¬_¬
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 19:41:03  

"Uncle Ulmo"?

I couldn't resist the alliteration?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 19:48:09  

*eyerolls* Save it for the Linqil FM listeners, man.

*disarms herself and takes a seat* You never had the same competition for your domain.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 20:15:10  

No...but I've had silly buggers running around with harpoons and driftnets, so I can relate on some level. And don't get me started on oil slicks.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 20:22:15  

*shrugs* That's mediating the Kindreds' designs. We all do that. It's different when you're fighting for space with your own colleagues. Or your husband's attentions. :\
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/21/2007 20:30:38  

I know you probably won't like this, so please don't shoot the messenger but maybe you should try to meet him half-way? Death and predation is as much a part of the natural cycle as birth. If Oromë expressed that in a reasonable manner...this could be difficult for him, I know

your husband


*Is further reinforced in his opinion that marriage is for chumps.*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/21/2007 20:41:32  

*with extreme frustration* Oh, as if anyone has ever offered to meet me halfway before. The Eagles don't count. Manwë only wanted to outsource half the work. No thank you. :\

*sighs irritably* *half-considers not even setting the alarm just for the satisfaction of watching him show up late to the AGM*
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 17:43:28  

*Gently* If you make the first move, it could shame him in to reciprocating. If it doesn't, you can reset to default position of mortal enemies and you've lost nothing, except perhaps a little bit of your pride.

What's more important, the kelvar or your pride?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 17:55:02  

except perhaps a little bit of your pride

*opens her mouth*

*closes it*

*mumbles* I'm plenty proud.

From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 18:05:10  

*Jostles your shoulder* Then you'll have plenty left over if a little pride gets dented, won't you? You can handle this this, Yavanna. You're tough, you're fucking nails. I'm scared of you.

And I'll back you up. Because I'm scared of you. ;)
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 18:12:05  

I'm scared of you


Pansy. >;) *punches your upper arm*

It's not just pride, Ulmo, this is me. All of this. How'd you feel if someone came and ate away at the oceans, bit by bit?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 18:24:17  

Please don't hurt me!

How'd you feel if someone came and ate away at the oceans, bit by bit?

But that's just it, Manwë does exactly that. He takes the water into his Domain but the difference is, he lets me take it back. Oromë's clearly not giving you time to replenish and therein lies the problem. This should be about balance, not conflict.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 18:35:50  

*feeling defensive again* So did you give Oromë this same talk, or what? :\
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 18:45:17  

No, I haven't seen him in a while. I can do. Would you want me to? I just prefer talking to you, you're prettier than him.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 18:57:42  

...You're just saying that because I can kick your ass. ;)
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 19:00:24  

Whatever you say, Mistress.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 19:03:07  

*punches you in the same spot, for good measure* >X)
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 19:06:10  

Ooh, thank you Mistress. May I have another?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 19:13:25  

*stands up and pulls your jacket off the ground*

Oh, save it for your bit on the side, Ulmo.

Or was it bits? *raises her hand to her mouth* Oop!
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 19:19:20  

*Stands, takes his jacket back off you dusts it down.*

Bits on the side of what, exactly? ;)
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 19:24:16  

*takes it back again* Who said I was done with that? *shrugs it on* ;)

I don't know, what freaky stuff are you into these days? It was always something freaky.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 19:38:26  

*mock eyeroll* Don't say I'm never good to you.

what freaky stuff are you into these days?.

Do you mean musically or sexually? Or both?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 19:46:45  

Uhm. Gosh, Mister Ulluboz, sir, I really couldn't say, sir. You're just so cool, sir.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 19:52:01  

Well it's not EASY being cool, you know. All those groupies? It takes it out of you.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 19:57:05  

*eyerollllls* Yeah, it's really exhausting. You should ask for time off.

*turns up the collar on your her jacket* See you at the meeting, Ulluboz. There'll be a lot to hear. From me. ;)
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 20:03:37  

Oi! That's a Þerindë original, I want it back eventually.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/23/2007 20:10:05  

Oh, don't worry. If I get down again, I'll just put it on the ground and have a sit and my problems are-- *snaps her fingers* --solved. ;)

*turns off in the direction of home*
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/23/2007 20:21:32  

*Stays where he is and calls after you.*

"Thanks Ullubôz!"
Sure, don't mention it Yavanna.
"Cheers mate, you're a star."
No seriously, any time.
"We'll have to do this again some time, only next time, we'll get pizza."
Great. Call me.

*Chuckles to himself*
*Disembodies, deposits himself in the river and makes his way towards the sea.*
Community: [info]opus_two
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