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*has been really, really bothered by something lately*

*so bothered he hasn't been able to HUNT*

*so bothered he's been spending all his time thinking*

*knows there's only one person he can talk to about this so... so.... so...*

*goes to Vendórë's*

Tags: orome, vendore

From: [info]melante Date: 08/21/2007 11:16:21  

*is admiring the roses in her garden, having already completed her report for the meeting*

*except for that last minute addition about the nasty Fëanorian and the sweet little princess in Gondolin* *is a little bitter about that, truth be told*

*hears you coming a mile away*

Something troubling you, Oromë?
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/21/2007 11:25:31  

*jumps in surprise from behind the hedge where he thought he was hidden*

*nervously* Bothering me? No! Of course not! What would be bothering me!? I just thought I would stop by and say hi and see how that report of yours was coming. How is that report of yours coming, by the way?
From: [info]melante Date: 08/21/2007 11:30:06  

*laughs softly to herself*

You've been upset about something for weeks. I can only assume you've finally decided to do something about it instead of clogging up the airwaves with your angst. Hence, you came to see me. It is my department, after all.

How is that report of yours coming

*sets her mouth into a thin line*
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/21/2007 11:45:11  

*tugs a flower out of a bush and hears it's death scream twirls it between his fingers*

*looks at you suspiciously* You know what's wrong? And you can fix it? Without letting Yavanna know I was sad about something?
From: [info]melante Date: 08/21/2007 11:48:31  

*takes a seat on a bench and looks up at you expectantly*

I do know. But I find that, with matters such as these, it helps for the person who is troubled to vocalize them himself. *shrugs slightly* Sometimes the answer to our problems lies within the problem itself.

*actually has no idea what's got your panties in a bundle, but you don't need to know that*
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/27/2007 15:03:50  


*shoves his hands in his pockets*

*shuffles around, clearly uncomfortable*



Vána likes the Chipses more than me.
From: [info]melante Date: 08/27/2007 15:08:13  


*covers her mouth with her hand and coughs delicately*

Sorry, I seem to have something in my throat.

*takes a moment to laugh her ass off clear her throat*

*seriously* Now then, Oromë. You say that your wife prefers the company of ...Chipses?... to you? Would you care to explain this further?
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/27/2007 15:13:30  

Would you care to explain this further?

Not really? Can't you just... do some hibbidy jibbity and fix it?
From: [info]melante Date: 08/27/2007 15:15:33  

*has to cough again to hide her laugh*

*slowly* Hibbidy... jibbity? No, no, I don't think it works like that. But I guess if you'd like to fix things your way, you could just kill her and eat her.

I can probably help you, but I need you to cooperate. Who is... are?... the Chipses and why do you think Vána prefers their company?
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/27/2007 15:18:23  

*with exasperation* *don't you know anything!?*

The Chipses are her metal people robot things. She started building them when she was mad at me and then when she finished the first one she wasn't mad anymore. But then she kept building new ones and playing with them and fixing them and I don't think I did anything wrong so I don't know why she likes them better!

*decisively* They can't make babies. ...I think.
From: [info]melante Date: 08/27/2007 15:20:38  

*heard a bit about why Vána was angry with you and thinks she was completely justified, oh yes, but tactfully says nothing*

Ah, yes, the baby issue.

*contemplates this* I take it that... after the first Chip..? was built, Vána lost interest in making a baby? Is that the case?
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/27/2007 15:22:37  

*nods firmly* Yes! It used to be all "babybabybaby" and now it's all "ChipEpsidadChipDelistyletortillaChipAlakazam". And that's if she even stops working long enough to talk to me.

I miss the baby talk.
From: [info]melante Date: 08/27/2007 17:08:50  

*thinks this is all sort of sweet, actually*

Well, if that's the case, maybe you should try talking to Vána. It seems to me that she is using the Chips...es... as a sort of surrogate baby. She wanted a child and she did not have one, so she built something childlike.

If you shared with her your desire for a child, it would probably reawaken her own.
From: [info]aromez Date: 08/28/2007 10:51:33  

your desire for a child

*...doesn't really have a desire for a child*

*he thinks?*


*well, whatever works!*

A child! That'll work. *big grins all around* Thanks, Vendórë!

From: [info]melante Date: 08/28/2007 10:53:07  

*blinks, surprised*

You're... welcome? *really hopes that this will help open the lines of communication between you and Vána* *could do with a success right now*
Community: [info]opus_two
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