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*putters around his room while awaiting further developments in the "save his family from the wrath of Thingol" plan*

*can't decide whether to send word after Turco or let him work past the initial shock on his own*

*and hasn't any idea where to start with his father*

*would very much like nothing more than to disappear into his own life again fat chance*

*wonders if there's a greeting card that says "sorry my family are such caring, irresponsible warmongers with an overdeveloped sense of loyalty even though they were acting in my best interests for doing nothing wrong even though I technically did"?*

Current Mood: restless
Tags: finduilas, nerdanel, maglor

From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 10:59:28  

*has by now heard of the Great Gondolin Game Plan* *isn't quite sure how she fits into all of it, though*

*comes around and knocks on your door to see how you're getting on* *(you're not fooling anybody, you know)*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 11:04:48  

*answers, assuming his mother's come round with more news*

*assumed you'd still be with his brother*

*abruptly puts his "company" face back on* Finduilas?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 11:10:18  

Hey. *smiles faintly* Next time I try to help you, remind me that your family is going to ruin everything? I'll get a manicure instead.

*hesitantly* How are you feeling? *doesn't ask whether there's permanent damage even though the obvious question's been on her mind*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 11:17:54  

your family is going to ruin everything

*doesn't have a smile for that* (*probably would have, before he'd used up what he had in front of Fingon and his mother*) You'd probably have been better off. :\

*doesn't sit* *invites you to*

*by rote at this point* Fine. I'm healing and up and about. Much better than one can say for Curufin. You've seen him?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 11:26:09  

*doesn't sit either, but walks in and looks around with mild curiosity* Better than nothing, I suppose.

You'd probably have been better off.

*shrugs* *dryly* That's okay. I didn't have much else to do that week.


*resists the urge to roll her eyes* *just looks at you with that same mild expression* "Fine" like jail was fine? Or "fine" like Elrond is fine? Elrond now, I mean.

You've seen him?

*snorts* Yeah. He'll live.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 11:35:59  

"Fine" like jail was fine?

*unable to completely hide his impatience* Fine like "I'm in the middle of a nightmare I had no intention of starting"? That kind of fine? :\

Elrond now, I mean.

*looks at you more directly* He's alright? *long pause, obviously thinking through something* Did they give him trouble?

*wonders a little at the snort* Good. Well. They do bounce back quickly. *sticks his free hand in his pocket*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 11:47:17  

*a little shortly* We all are. You might as well enjoy the company.

Did they give him trouble?

A little, I think. But he is fine, as far as I know. *pointedly* Actually fine. Bit worried about you, I suspect.

They do bounce back quickly.

*idly studies a painting on the wall (a pretty interesting one for generic guest quarters)* *almost amusedly* Oh, I'm sure it's specifically done to make you and Nerdanel crazy. How is she doing, by the way? I haven't seen her yet. *isn't so much interested in what you say as how you'll say it*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 11:57:03  

You might as well enjoy the company.

*says nothing* :\

Bit worried about you, I suspect.

*rather quietly, affected* He shouldn't-- *looks off* I should get word to him.

I'm sure it's specifically done to make you and Nerdanel crazy

*isn't a fan of your tone* My mother's fi-- *cuts off* :\ :/ *evenly* She's coping. She has a lot on her mind.

*more interested in your reaction than the response* How is your son?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 12:05:03  

*says nothing*

*crosses her arms at your non-reaction* Maglor Fëanorion, you are every bit as stubborn and proud and—

How is your son?

*recovers herself after the inital moment of hurt crosses her features* I don't know. I had to leave word for him. I was on the run, remember? *tightly* Because I wanted to help you, remember?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 12:16:51  

Because I wanted to help you, remember?

*doesn't know what to do with that reminder* *thinks deflecting off his anger sounds pretty good* Here's the family you married into. You're really going to love it here. *shifts very uncomfortably*

*turns toward the drinks table, which he's avoided on account of healing* *just looks at it for now*

*very aware he's lashing out* I was thinking of pressing charges, you know? But then I realized if there's no such thing as a fair trial for a Fëanorian in Delving, there's probably no such thing as a fair charge, either. Telperinquar might want to brush up on that if Thingol decides genetics actually do go deeper than loyalties.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 12:31:07  

Here's the family you married into.

*does roll her eyes this time* I haven't abandoned my plans to cancel that particular contract, believe me.

*sees you looking and pours herself a drink* *thinks it over for a moment before pouring you one, too*

*defensively* *but a bit relieved, all the same* Do you honestly think he's not feeling the heat for...well, for his pettiness, at the very least? After so many people ended up in the hospital? I was there in Nargothrond while he lived there, you know. You can be sure he's not ignorant of his role in all this.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 17:38:27  

*notes the eyeroll with some interest* *finds it that much safer to dispense with pleasantries* Oh but doo be sure, now. It's not as though they don't draw you back in again anyhow.

*looks at the drink but doesn't pick it up yet* I would hope so. All I can say is if he wants to avoid us that brutally then he's got spectacular success on his hands.

*hadn't noticed he was gesturing so emphatically while he was talking* *winces while his shoulder throbs a little*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 18:03:39  

*faking flippancy* Yeah, you boys do, huh? Too bad there's also that bit where Curufin could never actually love anyone. I'm not blind, you know.

*looks at her own drink before swallowing it* *enjoys the warmth* *tries not to let her discomfort show* Good for him then. Write him off as one more of my your brothers' mistakes. Everybody wins.

*notices you wince and opens her mouth to say something* *closes it again*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 18:15:14  

*unsettled frown* I never said he you made was a mistake.

I'm not blind, you know.

*doesn't reply but does let that register*

*takes the drink, finally* *plainly* You should do what you want. That's all any of the rest of us try to do, why should you feel bad about it? :\

*actually sits down in one of the armchairs* *doesn't move very much except for holding the glass*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 18:25:42  

*sighs* What I wanted was to come here to talk to the first person in your family I ever saw demonstrate some sort of decency of character. For you to be locked up was more like somebody's idea of a stupid joke than anything. Or so I thought.

*morosely* And if I also wanted to reassure myself that the father of my child wasn't dead, try not to hold it against me. I'm only human.

*somewhat less irritably* You look like you're in pain. Are you all right?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 18:43:43  

*is effectively disarmed by that (pardon the pun)* *looks up at you*

*has really no adequate apology in him at the present* I'm sorry. *pause* I'm not... at my best. Someone else would have gotten it if it wasn't you. *still confused about which tact is the right one to take with you and Curufin though*

*doesn't do well with being fussed over unless you're his mom* Just got a little ahead of myself. *acknowledging the irony this time* It's fine. ;)

From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 18:53:48  

*walks over and perches lightly on the arm of your chair*

*shrugs easily enough* It's all right. *smiles despite herself* We're on the same side here, that's all I've been trying to say.

It's fine.

*actually laughs* *thinks this is more like why she signed on in the first place* Okay, okay. Just don't be sullen and expect to glower in peace.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 19:06:29  

*doesn't point out there's another chair next to his, so long as you seem comfortable* *isn't exactly sprawling*

We're on the same side here, that's all I've been trying to say.

*more relaxed* Well, welcome. We've got t-shirts. And we drink heavily.

Don't get me wrong. I love my family. I'm touched when they look out for me. I just love them more when they don't start wars.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 19:12:43  

*raises her glass and snickers* Hear, hear.

I just love them more when they don't start wars.

*shakes her head* Might I suggest shock therapy? Extensive shock therapy? Just get one in restraints and tell the others he needs to be rescued. Then lock the doors once they're all in.

And anyway, on the bright side...now we get to go to Gondolin. *uncertainly* Although I'm not exactly sure how or if I fit into this plan somewhere but I've always wanted to see Gondolin. Haven't you?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 19:24:48  

*lifts his glass high enough to touch it to yours*

*sort of enjoys watching you process this* Let me know when you've moved past the thought experiments and right on into resigned. Then we'll talk. Nelyo and Ambarussa can stay back, the C's... we'll see.

Haven't you?

*thinks about that* Yes. We don't do nearly enough road trips.

*looks up at you* I'm sure Naneth would enjoy your company. You're the closest any of us come to a normal distraction, I suppose you could say.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 19:30:19  

*more than a little amused* Well, I don't have nearly my grandfather's optimism so I may give you a run for your money there.

*looks down at you and raises an eyebrow* A distraction? *mildly* I'm not sure I like the sound of that.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 19:37:16  

run for your money

*can't help but laugh* *wonders if you know who you're talking to* I don't think you're going to be competitive, but go ahead and try.

Why not? You have stories that don't start with "you'll never guess who I manipulated after breakfast this morning." ... Or maybe you do, I don't know. But at least they'd be new stories. ;)

*tilts his head back on the cushion* *just sits still and lets the drink do its work*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 19:41:05  

*airily* I do like the occasional hopeless challenge, it's true.

you'll never guess who I manipulated after breakfast this morning

*giggles* Oh, I've got those stories. They usually end up with me being completely wrong about everyone and everything, though. Because I suck at it.

*watches you for a second, smiling* *can't recall whether she's seen you this unguarded before*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 19:52:08  

Because I suck at it.

Better quit while you're ahead, is my advice. The rest of them need the example. They just don't always follow it.

*has found a position that doesn't cause him further pain and which he doesn't feel the need to move from*

*moves just his eyes to look at you* What? :?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 19:54:33  

The rest of them need the example.

*looks vaguely disturbed* Oh, Eru, the last thing anyone needs is me as an example of anything. Trust me on this one.


*smugly quickly* Nothing.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 19:59:46  

*knows just enough about your past to think you're in just fine company* Examples are people who accept their choices and move on. None of us are perfect.

*half heavy-lidded smile* Do I have something on my face?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 20:05:26  

Do I have something on my face?

*laughs again* *teasingly* Yeah, you do. What does it mean when the corners of your lips turn up like that?

*leans down and brushes a light kiss against the nearer of said corners of your mouth*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 20:08:35  

*gives a small start*

*looks up at you, genuinely surprised*

What was that for?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 20:11:15  

*blinks* I dunno. Nothing in particular, I guess. I just...it seemed like...?

*stares intently into her glass but otherwise doesn't move* *softly* Sorry.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 20:18:25  

*watches you closely, curiously*

You don't have to apologize. :?

*sits up (which isn't that far, considering where you're sitting)*

*thoughtfully, still surprised* You came to visit me. I enjoyed that. But you came here for Curufin. Curufin, right?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 20:21:13  

*looks back at you but still doesn't move*

*finally nods slowly* Okay. *frowns as though something's occurred to her* I..you did?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 20:29:32  

*blinks a little more rapidly than he should, feeling alert*

*sits forward and sets his empty glass drink down* You were... yes.

*stands* *feels rather strange as he looks at the coffee table for a moment*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 20:35:09  

*sets her glass down too*

*looks up at you before feeling as though she's at a distinct disadvantage and standing up herself*

*thinks it suddenly seems a very long way to the door and she'd have to walk past you to get there*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 20:37:28  

*rubs his mouth, deeply pensive*

*turns back to you* I'm not... used to being tongue-tied.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 20:41:55  

*reaches up to press her hand to your cheek lightly*

*entirely curious* It does take some adjustment. Try it.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 20:47:09  

*thinks his conscience is going to have something to say about this later*

*also decides that, given the last few weeks he's had, his conscience can shove it*

*draws his good arm around you, pulls you closer, bends his head, and kisses you properly on the lips*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 20:51:11  

*draws in a quick little breath, apparently surprised*

*stands on tiptoe and wraps her arms around your neck* *presses close to you carefully*

*kisses you back warmly and deeply, feeling dizzied*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 20:59:09  

*spends quite some time kissing you* *tastes your whole mouth*

*gently pulls you closer and up, feeling more than a little limited with the use of only one arm*

*tips his head down toward your neck, breathing very quietly*
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 21:07:20  

*tilts her head back to feel your lips on her skin, trembling ever so slightly*

*slides her hands up under your shirt and runs them along your spine and over your shoulders, rubbing gently*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 21:14:26  

*fairly sure his skin is warming under your touch*

*brushes his mouth over your ear before pulling back*

*slides his hand behind your neck and holds you, searching your face*
From: [info]mahtaniel Date: 08/22/2007 21:23:51  

*knocks lightly on the open door before poking her head in*

Macalaurë, dear? When we reach Ondolindë, would you like...to go...

*is just in time to see Finduilas leaning close for a kiss but really, it's pretty obvious what you've been doing anyway*

museum? *flustered* MygoodnessI'msosorryI'lljust-- *turns right around again*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 21:30:07  

*is pressed right up against her when he hears the door open*



*tries painfully to manfully reduce his reaction to an eye-widen*

From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 21:33:58  

*backs away from you in a hurry*

*and then tries to pretend like she didn't just back away from you in a hurry*

*thinks she honestly doesn't have anything to apologise for so why does it sort of feel that way anyway?!*

*awkwardly* I should...or...wow, that's...problematic. Can we just go back to the kissing?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 21:42:31  

*feels a little off balance now that there's space between them*

*looks at the door and verifies they're alone again*

That wasn't... That was... Yeah because nothing says turn on like your mother.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 21:46:27  


*tries to smile and pretty much fails* *finishes the earlier thought* I should go. Well she's not MY mother!
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 21:53:27  

*likewise* *slowwwwly*

*leans his hand on the back of the armchair*

*half-heartedly* Take care, Finduilas?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 08/22/2007 22:01:35  

Take care, Finduilas?

*does smile at that, a little, sweetly* See you later.


*just stands against the wall in the corridor for a moment, eyes closed, thinking*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 08/22/2007 22:10:31  

*watches your back just as you pass through the door*

*sits down heavily, sort of just blinking*

*considers a cold shower*
Community: [info]opus_two
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