opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*is getting really annoyed with the random checkpoints around the city* *would have thought, being a marchwarden's brother, he might have an easier time of it* *is also pretty sure that last stripsearch is not strictly necessary*

*arrives home in a mood* Haleth! When are your bloody bosses gonna-- *promptly trips over a pile of shopping bags in the front all*

Haleth! What the Mandos? I know you're earning now but that's no bloody excuse to spend all your wages in one go!

Current Mood: annoyed
Tags: haleth, haldar, beleg

From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/22/2007 12:17:57  

*sticks her head round the door* *sheepishly* I'm sorry, those are mine?
From: [info]haldar Date: 08/22/2007 13:26:15  

*is in no way prepared to meet a tiny woman who looks as though she's been crying*

Oh. Hello.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/22/2007 13:45:07  

You must be the twin. *smiles* You look nothing alike. *comes out into the hall* I'm CĂșthalion, by the way. *offers you her hand* Haleth said it would be okay if I stayed here just for a little while? If that's alright with you, of course?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/23/2007 15:54:42  

*emerges from her room*

*gives Haldar a snarky look* Geez, bro, make a ruckus out here, why don't ya? Oh. See you two've met then?
From: [info]haldar Date: 08/23/2007 17:24:44  

Houseguest? Haleth? WHERE ARE WE GOING TO PUT HER?
From: [info]haladwen Date: 08/23/2007 17:37:10  

*nods* Just for a while, 'kay? The sofa pulls out and if it gets too uncomfortable for her later, I'll take it and she can take my room.

*stares you down with a very unsubtle "can we please discuss this later"? look*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 08/23/2007 17:48:02  

*shifts from foot to foot* Hey, I realised I forgot to buy my newspaper - so how about I just nip out for a while? Leave you guys to it? Okay, great!

*slips out past Haldar and out into the open air*
Community: [info]opus_two
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