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*figures he should probably stay clear of the house while his father is so stressed out*

*does what any self-respecting, dutiful son would do* *goes down to the pub for a while before dinner and plays darts with the locals*

Tags: gil-galad, argon

From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 20:16:33  

*has wasted no time in getting really, really plastered*

And I says to him, to this guy, this guy, you know? Quantum indeterminacy, I says. *bursts out laughing* But don't talk about Pauli Spin matrices with this guy. *taps her head with a finger* This guy, he knows. *gives a very derisive snort*
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 20:19:38  

*glances over his shoulder when he hears your voice*

*cheerfully* Can't say we usually get that kind of talk in here.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 20:24:49  

*turns to look at you with thinly-veiled skepticism* *thinly-veiled with thick drunkenness, anyway* Ohhh. Greedy reductionist, huh?

*breaks into a wide smile* Nah, I'm only kidding. *narrows her eyes* *laughs* Just kidding. Really!
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 20:28:26  

*hands his darts to Earl and heads over towards the bar* *orders a pint of stout*

*smiles brightly at you* I think you're a bit drunk, ma'am and it's only seven o'clock.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 20:31:45  

*pinches your cheek* And you're kinda ridiculously good-looking, sir. I mean you may be the absolute prettiest thing in this pub. Is that all you'll be drinking this evening, sir? How will you justify the streaking-through-the-streets later, sir?

*eyeroll* Reductionism. HA.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 20:33:26  

*mildly* Now, now. I have to be home by seven-thirty for dinner so there's no way I can possibly imbibe enough alcohol that will justify streaking-through-the-streets between now and then.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 20:39:01  

*scrunches her face up in some expression that suggests deep thinking* I've got to be home for dinner at seven-thirty, too. P.M. I do believe.

*really wants to know* Is it the law here for dinner to be at seven-thirty? Did 'káno make it a law because that would be so like him. It really would. Really, it would. But he'd never enforce it because he's not so much with the enforcing at times. Really, it would.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 20:42:01  

*laughs softly* I don't think it's a law, no. *frowns* Hang on, do you know -- do you know my father?

*is pretty sure that only his aunt and uncle refer to Fingon as "'káno"*
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 20:46:18  

my father?

*confused* How do I know if I know your dad? Haven't we only just met, Reductionist Boy? Red?

*has a funny feeling she's capable of figuring out what you're talking about, though* Oh. Hang on a sec. 'káno's your dad?? Are you Gil-galad 'cause that would be really funny well not so much funny as embarrassing maybe a little bit? Wut?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 20:48:55  

Haven't we only just met, Reductionist Boy? Red?

*agreeably* We have only just met, yup. Only I think Red's not really me so much as Dad's girlfriend.

Are you Gil-galad...?

*tilts his head to the side and grins* The one and only but I still don't have the faintest who you are.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 20:55:38  

*scratches her nose* Káni. Arakáni. -no. Arakáno. 'káno's li'l sister.

*looks sort of bummed about this, truth be told*

*but not for very long!* Hey, Red! We're going to school together sort of!
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 20:57:39  

But Aunt Írissë is Dad's li'l -- I mean -- little. Wait. Arakáno? You were -- you were a boy before, weren't you? I remember Dad telling me about you.

We're going to school together sort of!

Really? *grins* You go to the good old U of O, do you?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:02:03  

*polishes off another shot and grimaces* Yep. I was talllll. Like, taller'n Turvo. Still kinda tall I guess. Not's tall's any of the boys though.

*cheerfully* Yep again. Well. I will go there. For the old D. of Ph. *helpfully* For Physics stuff. You're Linguistics, yeah?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 21:07:17  

That's right. I'm not quite sure how I ended up in that field. All I knew is that I wanted nothing to do with History or Politics and I'm definitely not smart enough for Physics. That sounds pretty impressive.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:11:57  

*way too seriously for the subject matter* It's not about smarts. It's just something...else...that is...a science. And not an art. *handwaves* Anyway, I'm lousy at language stuff. Just ask my boss.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 21:14:05  

Is it a good Physics faculty in Ossiriand? I did my undergrad stuff in Lindon where it was very easy for me to get in so the U of O is -- well -- it's all new for me.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:17:41  

*leans her elbow on the bar* I heard about this one guy? Telly Something? Guy? Supposed to be a real hot tough bastard. Meh. But he's astro or something and I'm mostly particle and he's astro or something and...but I was thinking of checking out some astro on the side? *grins* Want to come along sometime? Could be fun. If you're anything like 'káno you'll probably end up teaching the lesson anyway.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 21:22:27  

I'll come along as long as you give me the answers to any questions I might get asked, k?

*laughs* I don't think I'm much like my father, to be honest. He's a better peace-time king than I ever could be not that things are particularly peaceful these days but anyway.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:29:13  

a better peace-time king than I ever could be

*looks frankly appalled* So you were a war-time king? That's really not allowed, probably. You could get scarred or something. *has a bit of a facepalm moment where she realises this may also be misconstrued as flirting* Oh wow that's annoying.

not that things are particularly peaceful these days

*matter-of-factly* Well, they're all shipping off to Turvo's, I hear. Maybe they'll take Rissë with 'em.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 21:35:52  

So you were a war-time king?

Yup. I got the tail-end of the First Age and spent the entire Second Age trying to defeat Sauron. Getting killed was not in the game plan, but there you have it.

You could get scarred or something.

*just laughs* Again, a secondary consideration at the time.

Well, they're all shipping off to Turvo's, I hear. Maybe they'll take Rissë with 'em.

*raises his eyebrows* Not a fan of Aunt Írissë, then?

From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:41:23  

Getting killed was not in the game plan

*sympathetically* I know the feeling. Ohhh yeah. Trust me. *impressed!* But damn, Red, that all sounds awfully major and kingly of you.

Not a fan of Aunt Írissë, then?

*looks genuinely puzzled* She was a bitch? Well. I thought it was mostly just because she thought I was an inferior. But then I showed up today and she sort of completely entirely utterly flipped her lid on me. Completely. She was always sort of a bitch. But still.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 21:46:29  

But damn, Red, that all sounds awfully major and kingly of you.

Oh, I don't know about that. Anyway, this time round, Dad can take care of everything. He's only got about -- *wrinkles his nose* -- three or so thousand years before he catches up with me.

She was always sort of a bitch. But still.

*shrugs* She seemed nice enough to me when she wasn't nagging.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:51:07  

three or so thousand years

*giggles* I'd never have guessed you were that old. That's fairly astonishing, man.

she seemed nice enough to me

*not really pondering this very closely* *'cause, well, drunk* Because she's not your sister. Maybe? Are you hungry? I'm hungry.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 21:55:50  

I'd never have guessed you were that old.

Thank my plastic surgeon. The man's a genius.

Are you hungry? I'm hungry.

Actually, now that you mention it--? *glances at his watch* Oh fuck, it's quarter to eight!
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 21:59:08  

*takes your arm companionably* Aw, let's just go out and get some grub. *grins* They'll never miss us. You know some good places around here, yeah?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 22:03:13  

*laughs* Yeah, the chef in the Royal Compound is fucking fantastic and it's steak night. Nothing could make me miss steak night especially seeing as it's last steak night before school starts and you don't want me to miss steak night now, do you?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 22:06:12  

*sticks her tongue out at you and giggles* NO sense of adventure.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 22:12:08  

*nudges you* Hey! Three thousand years, remember? I'm all adventure-d out.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 22:14:19  

*nudges you right back* C'mon. There's got to be some place in this town that does steak. And where a girl can get a drink. You know there is.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 22:15:32  


You are a horribly bad influence and if anyone asks, this was your idea.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 22:17:30  

*takes your hand and pulls you out of the pub, still laughing*

Absolutely your idea.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/22/2007 22:21:09  

Oh, wow, that is so not fair. And don't you feel a little bad that it's just going to be Dad, Aunt Írissë and a bunch of Fëanorians at dinner?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/22/2007 22:23:27  

Yes! A little! No, quite a bit actually.

*sing-songily* We'll make it up to 'káno to-morrr-row.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 07:34:10  

*can't help laughing* Eh. I've been so good since that thing with that girl. I'm sure I've got some credit with Dad.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 07:36:20  

*pokes your side* Ooh, what thing? What girl, huh?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 07:38:03  

No, no. Bad thing, very bad thing. *rubs the back of his neck* I sort of had a one-night stand with this girl? And she got pregnant? And had a baby? And named it after me?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 07:40:28  

*stares at you with a mixture of shock and awe*

...This was so totally your idea, you big troublemaker!
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 07:41:57  

*snorts* Oh, yeah. I'm bad to the bone, that's me.

It gets worse. You probably know the girl, even though I did not know her name at the time but, turns out, she's Dad's uncle's wife? Eärwen? Or she was, anyway.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 07:45:14  


Knocked up.

Aunt Eärwen.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 07:50:11  

*covers his face with his hands* *nods*

I didn't know she was 'Aunt' Eärwen at the time, I swear. She called the baby 'Galadriel'. Which is going to be more than a little awkward to explain when our Galadriel returns. *looks up at you* Your cousin Artanis? Eärwen's daughter? Became known as Galadriel, ooh, sometime in the First Age. She was a good friend of mine.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 07:53:20  

*thinks there are about seventy things wrong with this scenario but very tactfully doesn't point that out* *gets the impression you might know about some of them anyway*

*wonders if this is Sharing Time* *that's what they do at her AA meetings anyway*

*a bit soberly* I was pregnant once. But the baby died.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 07:59:19  

Oh. Oh. I'm -- sorry? *puts a companionable arm around your shoulders in a maneouvre strangely reminiscent of his father*

Hey. Look where we are. Hithlum's premiere steakhouse that's not in the Royal Compound.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 08:03:18  

*shrugs slightly* It's not like it was ever gonna work out between me and the guy. *rueful smile*

Look where we are.

*brightens considerably* Yay? I'm hungry, are you hungry? I'm a vegetarian?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 08:11:53  

Guy's an idiot and if you want? I know some shady types who can take care of him for you.

*pushes the door open and holds it open for you* *manages to wangle a pretty decent table near the bar area*
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 08:18:22  

I know some shady types

*grins* Aw. That's the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me.

Thanks! *realises this is a pretty nice place and so puts on her Aredhel persona* How decidedly elegant. *seats herself delicately and makes an equally delicate grab for the drinks menu*
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 08:27:44  

*blinks a couple of times*

Eru, that's scary. Don't do that. You make me feel like I should tuck in my shirt and comb my hair.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 08:37:30  

*raises an eyebrow* I daresay you'd be nearly halfway presentable, if you did.

*giggles behind her hand* Sorry, sorry, I'll stop. And I heard we're in the middle of a comb shortage so don't even think about it.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 08:59:20  

Seriously, that is so not cool. How do you do that?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 09:06:18  

*lightly* Years of practice? Incessant tagging along?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 09:23:08  

*half-smiles* Well, breaking out with a vengeance now, huh?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 09:28:07  

*slyly* Oh, I was just biding my time all those years. Storing up their dirty secrets for blackmail.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 09:45:25  

*raises his eyebrows* My dad has dirty secrets?

*gets the wine menu from the waiter and orders a cheeky little red*
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 09:49:09  

*innocent smile* Nah, not him. Maitimo's not really a secret, is he?
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 09:55:22  

*snorts* Hardly. Although you know that Maitimo's a girl now?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 09:59:44  

Ah. Force of habit, you know? *shakes her head* Poor 'káno.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 10:11:58  

He certainly doesn't seem very comfortable around her.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 10:18:07  

*frowns* It's got to be tough for him, you know? Give 'em some time to work through it though. And if they don't then we'll buy her a strap-on.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 12:34:19  

Oh, they've had loads of time and now she's being packed off to Ondolindë? I don't know her that well but I doubt she's happy about that.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 12:40:09  

*unperturbed* Eh. Sometimes you just have to leave 'káno to stew for a while. He usually ends up doing the fence-mending himself, eventually. He's such a good brother. He remembered my name and everything.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 12:41:37  

*lopsided smile* He's not bad, I guess.

*is clearly very proud of his father, really, but will never, ever say that out loud*
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 12:46:42  

*it's okay (she totally understands)*

No kidding. So eat your veggies and stop hanging out with your aunt. *seriously* She's a terrible influence.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 13:15:19  

*laughs* You know? I think I like having an aunt who's a terrible influence.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 13:20:55  

*lip-twitch* Sorry, what was that? *loudly* You helped four old ladies across the street just today? Excellent, Gil-galad. Very...upstanding. Like I always say.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 13:22:50  

*equally loudly* Well, three of them made it, so I think my averages must be going up now, right?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 13:26:22  

*positively shrieks with laughter*

*wiping her eyes* Let's just go to prison now and get it over with.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 13:34:07  

*smiles smugly and orders his steak, medium-rare*

Well, we might as well enjoy our last meal, what?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/23/2007 13:39:42  

*squints at the swimming letters on the menu*

*orders a pasta dish*

Quite right. Also, pie.
From: [info]finellach Date: 08/23/2007 13:44:58  

*to the waiter* Pie later. Cheers.

*tops up your wine glass although he doesn't suppose you really need it*
Community: [info]opus_two
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