opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*arrives home from the lab a little late* *two or three days, tops*

*quickly establishes that Yavanna is not at home* *isn't quite sure what to make of it*

*wanders into the kitchen and grabs a couple of beers* *hollers through into Aulendil's granny-flat* I think it's that time of the quarter, Aulendil.

Tags: aulendil, aule

From: [info]high_smith Date: 08/23/2007 19:17:29  

Oh sweet!

*Leaps up.*


*Sits back down and just finishes off those last couple of calculations he was working on.*

*leaps up again!*

*Goes through to join you.*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 08/23/2007 20:08:12  

I'm calling in pizza, okay? Get things set up, would you?
From: [info]high_smith Date: 08/23/2007 20:12:37  


Are you in a first person shooter mood or an RPG mood?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 08/23/2007 20:14:44  

Ooh, let's start with first person shooter? And we can take it from there.

*calls in from the kitchen* Garlic bread? Yes or no?
From: [info]high_smith Date: 08/23/2007 20:28:46  

*Would dough balls, truth be told but doesn't like to say no.*

Sure, that's always good.

*Digs out the disk for RESISTANCE: Fall of Noldor.*

*Detangles the controllers*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 08/23/2007 20:40:07  

*ambles in with the beer* Pizza'll be here in ten.

*sees your choice of game* Oh, excellent choice, Aulendil. *settles himself on the couch*
From: [info]high_smith Date: 08/23/2007 20:50:04  

*ome, PRAISE, yay!*

*Passes you a controller*

Player one?

*Would of course let you be player one. That's only proper.*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 08/23/2007 20:54:32  


*selects the highest level possible* *grins* How far do you reckon we'll get before Yavanna gets home?
From: [info]high_smith Date: 08/23/2007 20:58:33  

I'm sure we can get past the factory level. I found a walk-through on-line.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 08/24/2007 17:05:26  

Good man. That's always our downfall.

*falls silent for a while as he concentrates on annihilating a few Teleri* Like fish in a barrel.
From: [info]high_smith Date: 08/24/2007 17:09:17  

OOOOH, headshot! Nice.

*Enjoys the pixellated exploding brains rather too much.*
Community: [info]opus_two
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