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*returns to his home1 in Delving, still tracking a certain signal*

*goes to the owners' quarters in the back and settles in the living room for the night with the good hi-fi and sound-proof headphones*

*tunes the dial and narrows in on something alarming*

*sifts through as best he can, but doesn't like the amount of noise* :\

*saves a recording for the AGM* *chews a thumbnail*

*needs advice from someone*

*trots out closer to town and finds a fountain in the park* *knocks tosses a coin in*

(1An old B&B in one of the older, less-developed parts of town, called the Lorell Inn.)

Current Mood: worried
Tags: ulmo, irmo

From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 09:38:04  

Hel-lo? I'm on-air in half an hour, is this important?
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 11:10:11  

Ulmo? You got a minute? *hates to miss your show too*
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 11:27:38  

Irmo. Hi.

I've got thirty, what's on your mind?
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 11:35:01  

*hems and haws for a moment* I've been hearing... problems. Definitely problems.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 11:38:55  

Okay, problems. What sort of problems? Musical problems? Estë-related problems? I didn't touch her man, I swear.
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 14:48:12  

Musical problems

In someone's Music. I've picked it up on two Kindreds' now. Like I'd ever give her a reason.

It's really hard to get a lock on. He's The signal's pretty messed up. Have you heard anything?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 15:49:13  

Give me a moment.

*Listens intently for a minute or so.*

I'm not hearing anything. Whatever it is can't be anywhere near my sphere of influence. What exactly did you hear?
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 16:41:15  

*with some concern* Traces, weird traces. I've heard them on two sources now. He's been there both times.

*thinks a moment, adds* They're upsetting things. The minds, I mean.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 16:57:38  

When you say weird, do mean Discordant with a capital D? Or is "he" just an enormous jerk?
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 17:04:29  

It's definitely not Harmonic. If it's when Túrin's around? And disrupting their fëar? I don't like it. Also, he's a jerk.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 17:07:55  

See if you can track his movements, see who he talks to and how they react. You're right, this is worrying. And if he's making all those pretty ladies cry, it's just NOT on.
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 17:17:00  

I have some pieces recorded. They're saved for the AGM.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 17:23:29  

Good thinking. Keep me appraised, let me know if anything comes up; toss a coin in a fountain, jump in a puddle, I'll hear.
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 17:29:07  

*very easily accepts your advice* Thanks, Ulmo.

*gets up off the fountain-side*

*a little strangely, having a second thought* ...It's not Discord though. That was destroyed. *says with the tone of a question, not a statement*
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 08/26/2007 17:38:44  

No, I suppose it couldn't be but...let's not jump to conclusions until we know what's what, hm?
From: [info] Date: 08/26/2007 17:43:54  

*nods* Okay.

Let me know what you hear? *chews on a thumbnail again, already starting to listen out again*

*jogs back to the B&B, earphones already on*
Community: [info]opus_two
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