opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*Experiences a strong urge to get away from the wife.*

*Leaves her a cursory note in the hotel room, telling her he's going out for a while.*

*Heads into Delving and looks for a watering hole that doesn't scream "dive" too much.*

*Takes up a stool at the bar and orders the first of, hopefully, many drinks.*

Current Mood: gloomy
Tags: yavanna, manwe

From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 14:56:41  

*strolls into the bar sometime later, still wearing Ulmo's jacket* *smirk*

*has no intention of going home only to interrupt the XYZ-Box (or whatever it is) marathon taking place* :\

Well, well, well. Look who's back with his peons. ;)
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 15:31:16  

And a gracious good evening to you too, milady. Drink?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 15:44:44  

*assumes that's a rhetorical question*

*orders a pint*

So, my Lord. Prepping for the meeting? Or is there nothing at home for you either?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 15:53:36  

Varda and I decided to take a little jaunt across the sea. She thought it might be good inspiration for the meeting.

*Swirls his drink in its glass before taking deep draught.*

From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 16:13:47  


*eyebrow raise* So is it... inspirational enough?

*glares at the bartender to get her a new glass without all the foam this time*
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 16:20:47  

Not so far but maybe I'm distracted. :|
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 16:37:59  

*takes a good sip from her fresh glass*

That's not trouble in paradise, is it?

*funny how that goes around* *frowns into her glass and takes another drink*
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 16:48:01  

She's just so bloody humourless lately. All she ever talks about is the freaking company and then gets pissy when I'm not as wildly enthusiastic as she is.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 16:54:18  

when I'm not as wildly enthusiastic

...Disappears for days hours at a time and then wonders why you're not waiting the moment he she remembers there's a real world out there? :p
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 16:56:13  

...and then gets even MORE pissy when you're paying attention to something else to fill your days. No, you're supposed to drop what you're doing and immediately acknowledge her presence. No, because what occupies your time is not Important.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 17:06:05  

...because it's not like they'd ever ask what you were up to, or busy with, or whether you had a hard day.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 17:11:55  

But they already know that what you have to deal with isn't nearly as important as what they have to deal with so could you possibly have a hard day?

*puts his empty glass down on the bar.*

From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 17:24:12  


*are you kidding? we're just getting started* *calls the bartender for a refill*

*raises her new glass, gesturing* And? By the time they ever notice, it's like you can't even bother to care anymore.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 08/26/2007 17:29:30  

And then that's all your fault, there couldn't be any antecedent causes for it in THEIR behaviour, oh no.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 08/26/2007 17:31:27  

*cynically* Because if they bothered to self-reflect for a second, they'd see what was happening all along.

*ignores the blatant irony of this statement*
Community: [info]opus_two
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