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*comes to the wretched conclusion that if there ever comes a time in a man's life when he needs to swallow his pride and admit that he's the one who needs some comfort, for a change, now has got to be that time*

*finally breaks down and calls Aredhel* *lets it ring...and ring...and ring...*

*tries again a half-hour later* *and a third time a half-hour after that* *is not about to bare his soul in a fucking voicemail, okay?*

*very briefly thinks of Curufin (again) before giving it up for a lost cause and heading into town on some minor errand, just to get out of the house*

Current Mood: depressed
Tags: ingil, argon, celegorm

From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 18:43:54  

*is wandering around on campus, stopping to question every seventh person he sees and wondering what it is he's forgotten to do today (such as attend his first class of the term)*

Five...six. Seven. *conversationally* Excuse me. Do you have the time?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 18:49:35  

*stops walking to look at you, having been jostled out of his thoughts*

*in a true testament to his current state of mind, has nothing remotely snarky or haughty or otherwise Turco to say to some random peasant with the nerve to stop him in the street*

Yes. *looks at his watch* It's a quarter of seven. *resumes walking*
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 18:53:34  

*is overjoyed that someone's finally answered him, considering everyone else he's asked on campus has already heard about him completely ignored him*

*falls into step beside you* Where do you keep it? And why only-- *does the math* --seven fourths? Why not a nice even two?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 19:02:33  

*glances at you again*

*only half-listening* Keep what?
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 19:07:08  

*patiently* The time.

*grins suddenly* You're one of those Fëanorians. I see you in the papers sometimes. It flies. I'm in the papers sometimes, too. So do you keep it in a cage? Or maybe a nest?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 20:56:33  


*bitterly* No, I'm not. You're mistaken.

*barely processes the rest of what you're saying* A nest?
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 21:00:09  

*brightly* Yeah, you are. You live in that big house just off Route 11 five minutes from here. I suppose a house could work, if not a nest. My mum worked for your parents. In the medicine cabinet? It heals all wounds.

*grins* Pops says it wounds all heels. I read a book about heels and wounds. *confidentially* There weren't many clocks in it, though.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 21:06:20  

My mum worked for your parents.

*dredges up something Turcafinwë might say to that* How thrilling that must have been for you.

*wearily wonders whether you're as mad as you seem or if he's just losing his mind by degrees*
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 21:12:24  

*matter-of-factly* Nah. I was a little thing. In weeks or days or even hours. *plays invisible hopscotch down a stretch of sidewalk* I lived with Pops mostly. *smiling* His house was nicer anyway.

Are you going to school here? The gardens are friendlier than they look. At least under Telu's window, if he falls.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 21:15:07  

His house was nicer anyway.

*hears this and thinks something about this seems...off* *can't quite put his finger on what it is, though*

*stops walking again and really looks at you* I have seen you somewhere.
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 21:20:19  

*nods* The High Prince cuts ribbons and digs holes for nothing, not even seeds. Just don't talk. "Never talk. Just smile." I don't mind. Smiling's the easy part.

*looks around warily* Also there was that bit with the chancellor's car but we don't talk about that. Mostly because I can't remember if I was there or not.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 21:26:24  

The High Prince. *flatly* Ingwian. You're Ingwë's son?

*feels the comforting familiarity of growing impatience and wonders again why he hasn't shut you up yet*

Didn't you just say your mother worked for my fa- for Fëanáro?
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 21:33:40  

*clasps his hands together and looks up at the building they've stopped in front of* *drones* And here, everyone, is the student union. Born in year blahdy blahdy blah, *whispers* I was a bit of a surprise for Pops.

*nostalgically* Mumsy mostly worked for the sweet lady with the dirty hands.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 21:41:13  

*stares at you long and hard enough to disconcert just about anybody who isn't you*

No. Coincidence. Impossible.

*deadly calm* Ingwion? What was your mother's name?
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 21:47:06  

*appears mildly annoyed at being interrupted in the middle of his campus tour-ish spiel*

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 21:50:37  

*urge to kill...rising...*

Anything else? An actual name, maybe?
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 21:54:44  

*is momentarily distracted by a butterfly*


Of the Vanyar?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 22:04:28  

*walks out of the Physics building after spending a quality afternoon doing some light reading*

*sees you across the quad and recognises your figure almost immediately* *heads over that way*

*cheerfully* TURCO, YOU BASTARD, IS THAT YOU? *notices who you're talking to then* Ohhh dear. This'll end in bloodshed for sure. *hurries the rest of the distance*
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 22:08:06  

*looks toward you with unfocused eyes*

*in a voice entirely unlike his own* Káni?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 22:15:53  

*reaching you* Hey??.

*to Ingil* Hey, Roofster. I've got a hot date with my cuz here so we've got to run. *thinking* I heard there's a meteor shower tonight though.
From: [info] Date: 08/27/2007 22:19:29  

*has no idea who you are but thinks you've got your head in the right place, at least, Eru help you*

*happily* Yep. I liked my old place but there are ups to the down side. *to Celegorm* A stitch in it saves nine. I'd try a cage, but that's just me.

*wanders off, whistling*
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 22:24:58  

*to Káni, still in complete and utter shock puzzled* "Roofster"?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 22:27:43  

He sits on the roof of the Administration Building almost every single night, after sunset. For years now. The first night they thought he was a jumper. Then they realised he was just Ingil.

Look. Don't talk to Ingwë's kid. He'll just break your brain. *is really, really starting to worry about the lost look on your face* *kidding, sort of* Oh Eru, he already broke it.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 22:32:55  

*vaguely, not even looking at you* It's just...? I don't think he is Ingwë's. He's my parents'. Not my real parents, that is. His.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 22:37:17  

*bewildered* What are you—? *remembers what you said the other day*

*doesn't understand, doesn't want to understand, just thinks it's probably a good idea to distract you from this line of thinking*

*buttons your top button and straightens your tie* *matter-of-factly* What are you even doing down here?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 22:41:54  

*dimly, as though trying to recall a dream* Dean Harris keeps on me about offering language classes to the veterinary students. I wasn't interested...? *rather thinks he'd prepared a less polite response but can't remember what it was*
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 22:48:49  

*doesn't mention that the deans' offices have been empty for hours*

*firmly* Well, now you're taking me to dinner.

*waits a moment for you to claim some elaborate prior dinner procedure plans...but you don't* *which is bad*

*takes your arm and waits for you to pull away...but you don't* *which is worse*

*chatters away encouragingly* I've been at this school a day and I already adore it. You're going to listen to me gush on a regular basis. I'm just putting that out there right now.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 22:52:46  

*goes along with you willingly enough*

*sighs* I'm glad it suits you. *offers* I hope it proves enough of a challenge.
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 22:58:09  

*is frankly startled by the compliment* *mumbles* I'm sure I'll have plenty of work on my hands.

*takes you to a dive bar that she knows makes a wicked Lonely Isle Iced Tea and that she also knows you wouldn't be caught dead entering* *again, encountering no protest*

*finds a table* *gives the drinks menu a cursory glance before ordering wine coolers for both you and her* *raises an eyebrow and waits for your reaction*

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 23:01:34  

*calmly orders a cheeseburger*

*loosens his tie and unbuttons his top button again*
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 23:03:32  


Since when do you eat meat? And you know you have to pick it up with your hands, right? Right??
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 23:05:02  

*unamused* I eat caviar...? *slightly miffed* It's the one—
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 23:06:58  

YES! You eat caviar!! —thing you can't give up, I know, I know. But. Um. Turco? That isn't caviar.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 23:08:48  

*puzzled* Is there meat in...what did I just order?!
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 23:14:04  


*can't believe she actually wishes you'd say something snotty*

Snotty. Hmm...


*coldly* Really, Tyelcormo, if you insist on being sullen and dull this evening, I've no qualms about finding an alternative to your company.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 23:18:54  

*scowls* Must I remind you that no aspect of this charming evening was any of my doing?

*looks around and is really a bit shocked* Is this your idea of a joke? Truly?

*takes a sip of whatever-it-is in his glass and nearly has a coronary* What. Is. This?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 23:23:07  

*could cry with relief*

Therapy? Forget it. Let's get out of here.

*barely has time to drop a few bills on the table and still catch up to you outside*

You've got wine at yours. Yes? *buttons your top button and straightens your tie*
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 23:28:40  

*slaps at your hands before just rolling his eyes and allowing you to do your thing*

Do I have wine. *actually smiles a little, sadly* Good god, woman, are you feeling quite well?
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 23:32:46  

*smiles back sympathetically*

That was actually just code for "so the house is still standing?" I can't tell whether you found the refrigerator after all. And I'm doing my reading for my Foundations class tomorrow so you'd better not bother me while I'm working.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 08/27/2007 23:34:28  

"You'd better not bother me while I'm working, sir."
From: [info]arakano Date: 08/27/2007 23:36:32  

*grins* Fuck you.
Community: [info]opus_two
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