*arrives, breathless, at the door of the lecture theatre* *tries to open the door but is informed by a very pissed-off-looking student that the Professor of Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics always locks the door*
But -- but it's only ten past nine! *sighs*
*folds her arms and leans against the wall, counting down the minutes until the lecture ends*
*laughs suddenly* Uhm...do you know, I think I may actually be your niece?
Date: 08/30/2007 18:54:40
*with good humour* Really? Well, you're not one of Curufinwë's. *tilts her head to the side* Arafinwë only had the one girl and even that's open to question but you don't look like Írissë. My sisters didn't have daughters they didn't tell the rest of us about, did they?
*raising an eyebrow* And you seemed positively ancient. And I don't recall loving your outfit quite so much. *cheerfully* I'd kill for a top in that cut, I really would.
Date: 08/30/2007 19:09:38
*brightly* I was positively ancient and terribly boring, I'm sure. High collars really were all the range in Taniquetil in those days, I'll have you know.
You must tell me who does your hair. It's fabulous!
*links arms with you* Well, come on then, let's go get a drink and catch up, shall we? Unless you're still at the mercy of that sour bloke in there?
Where are you even living? Somehow I managed to convince them to let me have on-campus housing. Just so I could get the full university experience, mind. It's pretty ghastly really.
Date: 08/30/2007 19:23:17
Eru, I'm getting out of her. I'm sure Brendan'll cover for me anyway. Brendan and me sort of had a bit of a thing last Spring Break? Old news, but he's always looked out for me.
Oh, I'm on-campus too. In Rose Halls? I think? I still haven't actually gone looking for my room because I'm that late back.
*highly amused* You're looking at her! That was the name I went by until, oh, two weeks ago? When I got all my memories back.
Date: 08/31/2007 16:39:20
No way. That is so awesome! I was sure that I'd end up with some really boring but you're so not! Eru, you're my niece! How cool is that Oh, you so have to come visit Dad when he gets back from Delving!
Hey, Grandpa Finwë's around here somewhere too?? Do you think he'll remember me? *bites her lip* Most people don't.
Date: 08/31/2007 16:55:35
Put it this way? I wouldn't take it personally if he doesn't remember you 'cause he does get a bit forgetful but he also has a habit of surprising people.
*leads the way into one of the on-campus coffee shops* Is it weird? Coming back as a girl?
*looks over the menu for something suitably chocolatey in lieu of vodka* Not really. It's weirder to think it should feel weird, if that makes sense. I remember being a guy but this doesn't feel any more or less right. *shrugs* Just different.
Date: 08/31/2007 17:24:31
Guess that's why you didn't have your memories straightaway? So you could get used to being a girl?
Ooh, Death By Chocolate. I think I'll be having one of those.
I have no idea but send that line up to the guy in charge. It's much better PR than most of the other theories.
Ooh, yes, please. *puts in the order for two* *a bit wistfully* Though that's at least an extra hour on the treadmill, I suppose.
Date: 09/01/2007 11:33:08
*grins* I took a Media course last year. Guess something must have stuck. And the guy's TA was soooo hot.
*brightly* Oh, I hate treadmills and gyms and stuff. I definitely prefer to go running outside. *smiles suddenly* Oh, wow, I can't believe we're roomies. That is so cool.
*bouncily* I know, isn't it just the best?? I know all the best clubs and pubs and, well, everything around here, really, so just stick with me. And I want to do all the clichéd stuff like cheerleading and sororities so you have to do it with me.
Date: 09/01/2007 15:07:37
Cheerleading? I've spent so long poking fun at them? How will I live with myself? *laughs*
*gives the waiter a flirty smile when the Deaths by Chocolate? Death by Chocolates? arrive*
Yeah, he is. You should leave him your number. *sneaks another peek and snickers behind her hand* He's still looking.
Date: 09/02/2007 08:20:45
*tosses her hair over her shoulder, looking supremely unconcerned* I so will.
*tucks into her Death By Chcolate, delicately* I'm supposed to be starting Linguistics tomorrow? But there's no Prof yet which is kinda weird. 'parently the TA has already been appointed, though.