*upon her return to Ilmarin, gets straight to business*
*makes sure the board room is set up, with place names and bottles of spring water (still and sparkling) in front of every seat*
*summons all of the Valar and waits for everyone to assemble*
I would like to open this Annual General Meeting of the Valar of Órë, with their attendant Maiar, formerly known as the Gathering at the Ring of Doom, or Máhanaxar. The board members are as follows: Eru Ilúvatar ( ex-officio, in absentia), Manwë Súlimo, Varda Elentári, Ulmo, Aulë...
*carries on in this vein for a full ten minutes*
Before I proceed to the minutes of the previous meeting, are there any questions for the Chair?
Current Mood:
salmar, orome, yavanna, telimektar, turin, vana, varda, aulendil, manwe, arien, aule, ulmo, irmo, tilion
I don't think he likes that, sir.