opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*is walking free, along with the rest of his siblings, apparently*

*leaves Maedhros to chat up Fingon for what's actually going on with this Finwë thing*

*and finds Curvo (and Moryo, by extension) no where to be found*

*decides this is the opportune moment, then*

*leaves the tea tray half-touched and gets to packing*

Current Mood: listless
Tags: finduilas, maglor

From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 14:49:33  

*knocks lightly on your doorjamb*

*with a tiny smile* I see you don't waste any time.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 14:54:01  

*looks up from zipping a garment bag*

*takes just a split-second to reorient his mind when he sees it's you*

Oh, you know. As much as I love family togetherness...
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 14:57:36  

*walks inside and boosts herself up to sit on the edge of a desk*

*crosses her legs, letting them swing a little*

*breezily* At least you have a family. ..Are you going home?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 15:08:34  

At least you have a family

*ironic chuckle* More than I know what to do with. You should count yourself lucky.

*goes over to the closet and pulls out the last of his shirts* *fits them into the second garment bag*

*finds this allows him to not focus on your legs, right there*

Are you going home

That would be a YES. So long as I remember what the place looks like. And find the piano under the dust. ;)

*zips* You'll be going back to Delving I expect?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 15:16:16  

*picks up half of a pair of cuff links you left on the desk and fidgets with it absently* *smiles* Oh, right. Like there won't be hell to pay if you find a single piece of dust on your piano. A single mote? A mote.

You'll be going back to Delving I expect?

*bites her lip* I'm...not so sure. I was thinking of spending a little more time here, actually? Or traveling some. There are so many places I've never been. And my old boss can't be happy about me disappearing off the face of the earth so there's that job put to rest. :s
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 15:29:08  

Like there won't be hell to pay

*goes over to the desk and collects a few papers there* Oh there will. There will. ;) *holds out his hand naturally to take the cufflinks*

(*does not at all let on how very people people in his life would be as close in his personal space as you are right now*)

a little more time here

*nods, looking at you* It's quite something, you should. If it only felt more like home just at the moment, I'd say I should do the same.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 15:35:26  

*places the cuff link on your palm but doesn't relinquish your hand right away*

*pensively* Do you know? I think Idril will be sad to see everyone leave. I rather think she doesn't see much by way of company around here.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 15:56:02  

*takes it, watching your fingertips when he withdraws* *adds the pair to a small case*

*nodding* I think you're right, you know. She's a sweet girl. *shakes his head when he thinks of Celegorm's manipulations*

*takes a seat in a chair opposite you* I imagine Ambarussa will go with my mother, but they'll be welcome at mine. I assume Father will take the C's when they materialize. Back to normal.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 19:48:09  

I assume Father will take the C's

*sheepishly* Am I a coward for deliberately avoiding meeting him? It's an intimidating prospect.

*watches your movements with casual interest* I'll miss spending time with your mother, to be honest. *laughs* She's intimidating in a not-quite-so-scary way. If that makes any sense.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 19:59:05  

*with more candor than is probably appropriate* Oh, Mandos, no. I avoid him myself, most days. :\

*turns his head, noting your lightheartedness* Well of course that makes sense but... so she's spoken to you?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 20:11:07  

*clasps her fingers in her lap loosely and looks at her nails* *more tentatively* Yes. We had a bit of a chat. She's upset, obviously, but...I think she understands? Mostly? Dropped a hell of a bomb, too.

*focuses on you again* I guess she's just looking out for you. All of you.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 20:21:51  

*can see the conversation's moved clearly into the honesty zone* *is a little relieved, to be honest*

*looks away briefly* Of course she's looking out for us, she always does.

*folds his hands and leans his elbows on his arms* I'm sure she's not used to being disappointed in me.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 20:27:14  

*slips down from her perch and steps over to you*

*tilts your chin up with a finger and looks down at you* It'll be better once everyone's parted for a while. Being in such close quarters for so long, under these circumstances can't be good for anyone.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 20:35:02  

Mm. *as he stands up* One lifetime day in my own house and I'll be a whole new man.

*puts his hands in his pockets as he faces you, with the unforced closeness of people who've made physical acquaintances*

*plainly, not chiding* If he's giving you the divorce, just take it. It'll be better for you him if it's quick.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 20:40:54  

*not wanting to sound defensive but unable to completely avoid doing so* I can handle Curufin?. I know him better than you think.

*draws her eyes up to your face* *nearly looks amused* When are we going to stop talking about Curufin?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 20:48:16  

*looks at you* *does manage to look amused, but only for the sake of a change from the frown he's had on all day*

*can't see how they're possibly going to not think about Curufin, anyhow* We could talk about the weather? Price of milk?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 20:52:01  

*clasps her hands behind her back and clears her throat as if preparing for a class recital*

*perfectly seriously* Up ten cents in the last year, at least. What is the world coming to?
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 21:06:08  

Indeed. Next petrol and cinema tickets and we'll all be done in.

*knowingly* There, that was perfectly natural.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 21:15:33  

*sets a hand on her hip* *firmly* I don't do the eggshell thing well, Maglor. Don't care to, either. That's one thing you've got to know about me.

*can't help laughing* I think my former almost-mother-in-law would say "brazen".
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 21:28:32  

Don't care to, either.

*just as firmly* That's two of us, then.

*puts one hand on his hip, not realizing he's in step with you* If my impression of the other night was correct, I don't think either of us was confused then.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 21:35:55  

*turns very slightly pink* *shifts her weight to the other foot*

*with a cheeky smile* I remember well enough, Burgundy-like-the-wine. I should have stayed. I thought I was doing you a favor. Silly me.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 21:43:19  

*notices that little blush of yours and has enough ego about him to be flattered*

*allows himself a confident little grin* Who says you didn't? ;)
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 21:48:01  

*has enough ego of her own to be thoroughly, thoroughly amused*

*pinches your cheek and gives it a pat* *sing-songily* Don't forget to write.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 21:54:57  

*gives you a wink and kisses air* You know where to find me.

No really, you know where to find me?
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 21:58:38  

*does you one better and kisses you abruptly, hard*

*pulls away slowly* *catches her breath* Nowhere, East Beleriand. *giggles* Charming.
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 22:04:43  

*holds your arms as you do so, both steadying himself and pulling you close*

*extends his hands as you pull away, if only to reinforce the distance* *takes a few breaths, lips still parted* Something like that.
From: [info]ivrinsun Date: 09/19/2007 22:11:59  

*flips her hair back over her shoulders* *smiling at some private amusement* Safe travels then.

*walks to the door* *has a thought and turns around*

*as though you're any other worthily-styled bloke on the street ahahahaha* Nice cuff links.

*leaves your rooms without looking back*
From: [info]kanofinwe Date: 09/19/2007 22:18:41  

*raises his eyebrow at you* And to you.

*watches you round the door, well aware of your meaning*

*turns on his heel, back to his packing and lets out a surprising bit of a laugh*
Community: [info]opus_two
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