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*regards herself in front of the bathroom mirror rather critically* *tries to tell if she's put on any weight but doesn't know due to the lack of weighing scales in Haleth and Haldar's apartment*

*gets dressed and slips out of the apartment without bothering the twins*

*heads down to the hospital and waits until visiting hours before going up to Mablung's room*

*rolls her eyes indulgently when she sees the pretty young nurse in the room with him*

Bad time?

Current Mood: amused
Tags: nellas, mablung, beleg

From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 17:11:01  

*his face lighting up before he can put on a serious expression again* That depends.

*scrutinizes the nurse carefully for a moment* Damn it. I just can't move that far. *sighs and waves you in benevolently* Come on in then. 'Bye for now, Bendy...er...Betty.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/23/2007 17:13:54  

*laughs softly* *stoops down and kisses your cheek* I do hope you're behaving, mate.

*sits down on the edge of your bed* I brought magazines and a card from the guys in Seventh. They wouldn't let me see the magazines or the card, even when I reminded them that I used to be a guy too.
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 17:17:55  

*pats your cheek* You know me, mate. All innocence. How's tricks?

magazines and a card

Ooh! Gimme. *opens the card and has a look, lips twitching madly* Awww. This is how they justify not stopping in for a visit, is it?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/23/2007 17:25:14  

Oh, I've got my first proper prenatal appointment later on today. I may have some blurry, ultrasound image to share with you. Word of warning: just agree with me when I point out the head and heart and stuff, OK?

Awww. This is how they justify not stopping in for a visit, is it?

*shakes her head* Is it really that offensive? I know I'm in a delicate state but even the threat of putting them all on rotating patrols down on Broad Street didn't make 'em crack.
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 17:31:41  

*squeezes your hand lightly* Confuzzled erufather-y squeeing. Check.

*tucks the card away in a drawer* *adds the magazines for good measure* Sorry, Beleg. *with a perfectly straight face* The contents may be too shocking for women and tiny, potentially undetectable children. There's enough puke around this place as it is and I'm not buying the morning part of "morning sickness" for a second.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/23/2007 17:46:37  

*laughs* I never knew you'd be this easy to train, Mablung. Thank Eru for someone almost restoring my faith in the male of the species. Although I suppose the male of our species was never the problem.

The contents may be too shocking for women and tiny, potentially undetectable children.

*laughs and holds up her hands* OK, OK, I give in. I'll tell the lads that you fought valiantly and my honour is intact and unsullied and all of that.
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 17:50:17  

*lifts a finger, his expression clouding slightly* *imperiously* Also? I'm to help think up names and prohibit you from smoking like a chimney or ingesting all manner of exciting substances. I rule at this.

*smiles at you* Honor-fighting's got to be good for an Erumas bonus, at least.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/23/2007 17:59:40  

*raises her eyebrows* You're going to help think up names? Can I make at least one groundrule before you get carried away? *points at the drawer into which you've stashed the magazines* I am not naming my child after any of those women, if she's a girl.

Honor-fighting's got to be good for an Erumas bonus, at least.

There is that, it must be said. Admittedly, we still have to pay off your so-called 'work' tab at Larry's so I think you're still in the red --
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 18:03:09  

*nods* Mm-hmm. Nellas's orders. You two should get together sometime, by the way. You'd adore her.

I am not naming my child after any of those women, if she's a girl.

I hereby swear not to make so much as a single move on little Candy until she's at least eighteen. Twenty, even. Are you happy?

*frowns* "Tab". I think that word may have been entirely scrambled out of my brain. *brightly* Oh, well!
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/23/2007 18:25:13  

She lives out in the woods, doesn't she? Smart woman.

*can't help laughing* No child of mine will be called Candy and you can be sure that Uncle Mablung will not be making any moves on her at all, OK? Or, Eru, him for that matter!
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 18:30:03  

Smart woman.

I know, right?

*eyeroll* Way to take all the fun out of life, Chief. *mischievously* I thought "Tawny" was much better, anyway.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/23/2007 18:35:47  

Aw, I'm sorry, pet. I didn't mean to disappoint you with my conservative ideas of what parenting and Eruparenting entail.

*touches the back of your hand* Now, less about me and and the baby. How are you getting on?
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/23/2007 18:41:22  

*makes a "comme ci, comme ça" gesture with his hand* It's all just so fucking slow, you know? You know how stir-crazy I get sometimes.

*lightly* That reminds me. Have you got some new mate named Rick? And why don't I know all your mates these days? *grins* World just moves right on without old Mablung, huh?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:12:43  

You know how stir-crazy I get sometimes.

*cheerfully* Or just plain crazy. I don't know who this Rick guy is. *looks at you sternly* Please tell me you didn't give him your credit card details or anything stupid like that.
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/24/2007 15:23:37  

*innocently* But he said that if I gave him a measly five hundred to clear the paperwork on his trust fund in Harad, he'd transfer a million back into my account by next Tuesday!
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:26:02  

*sticks her tongue out at you* Let me guess, did that go on the 'work' tab too?
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/24/2007 15:29:13  

*laughs and pinches your leg* I can't cut a break around here. I think I prefer the pretzel that poses as my nurse, thanks.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:41:16  

*covers your hand with hers* Nah, you don't mean that but if you do, I may have to recant Erufather privileges and give 'em to Rick.
From: [info]mablung Date: 09/24/2007 15:51:27  

*thinks he probably should be more concerned about the whole Rick mystery than he really is*

*lifts an eyebrow* I retain naming privileges no matter what. Little Cherry will need all the help she can get in this sleazy world.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:53:48  

*grins* With a name like Little Cherry, you're probably right. The poor child will need help. You can pay for the therapy she's going to need.
From: [info] Date: 09/23/2007 19:01:06  

*heard from Mablung you were doing okay but can't help be curious how everything's going*

*cycles by the Delving/Doriath border, to see if you're on patrol*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:16:09  

*actually heads out to the border, just to get some real, proper fresh air, after her first ultrasound scan*

*mostly feels completely overwhelmed*
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 15:27:33  

*lazily turns a few S-curves down the main gravel path*

*gets off to walk her bike over to a nice tree*

*sees you as she turns around the tree-trunk and brightens up* *waves*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:43:03  

*glances up and catches sight of you* Nellas?.

*suddenly realises just how very long it's been since she saw you* *so long ago that she was a he*
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 15:50:01  

Beleg! *recognizes you of course* *has seen you plenty of times from her lookout sitting spots* *did she not mention that?*

*steps over and sits herself right down next to you* Hi. Mablung said you were visiting him he's doing okay a lot better right?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 15:52:49  

*cannot help smiling* Oh, he's doing very well. Running the poor nurses ragged, of course, in the best way possible.
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 15:56:53  

*giggles and maybe blushes a little* He's naughty. ... So he's definitely doing good. X)

*continues talking, without really pausing, as though you haven't only just technically met her* I really want to come see him I just have to work on the getting there part but he said I shouldn't worry about it, even though there's phone, it's different in person you know? Cause then I could just make sure. But he said you were doing okay how are you?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 16:52:14  

*blinks as she tries to register everything you're saying*

*after a moment* I am doing okay, yeah. I've been better but I think I've been a lot worse too. Did Mablung tell you about the baby?
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 17:02:46  

*nods* *thinks you're looking a little stunned*

*as helpfully as she can* Should he not have? I'm sorry. He's a good friend though honest. But that's... you must be... Wow.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 17:37:53  

*shakes her head* Oh, oh, no, no, it's quite alright that people know. Saves me telling them, to be honest.

*manages to smile as she reaches into her handbag* *hands you the copy of the scan picture* That's him. Or her. My baby.
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 17:45:45  

*properly floored* Wow.

*takes the picture, eyes widening a little* *finds modern medicine a total mystery but totally enthralling*


*with more curiosity than confusion* Which part's the baby?
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 17:58:47  

*laughs* *points vaguely* That white-ish sort of thing in the centre? The baby's only tiny now but I could actually see the heart beating.

Guess it's making it more real now.
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 18:03:43  

it's making it more real now

*totally would not know* Uh huh?

*passes over the picture, chewing her lip*




*with great honesty, in a small voice* I'm sorry about Túrin. Real, real sorry. *used to think you were pretty much the luckiest girl ever*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/24/2007 18:13:42  

*sucks in a breath* Th-thank you. For what it's worth -- I'm sorry to. I don't know what's become of him but -- but it's just me and the baby now. Well, and Mablung as Erufather must get an honorable mention.
From: [info] Date: 09/24/2007 18:24:43  

*would tell you all about how she took him out of her address book forever but thinks that might be a little pointless?* :s

*rifles in her bag and finds a pocket pack of Kleenex* *hands you one*

Mablung says you're doing really good.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/26/2007 14:57:28  

*takes the Kleenex appreciatively* Thanks.

*smiles a bit* Well, it's hard not to. I mean, poor Mablung was so badly hurt. My situation isn't that bad, really. *completely fails to see the irony in this*
From: [info] Date: 09/26/2007 15:14:00  

*just can't imagine you wouldn't be able to handle any situation* *I mean Marchwardens have to know*

*a little naively* You'll figure it out, you'll see. And when it's hard you have people to help. :) *is sure this is true!!*
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/26/2007 16:19:19  

*finds your conviction oddly touching* That's true. There are always people to lend a hand. I must admit, I'm not looking forward to breaking the news to Thingol. Still, at least we have a ready-made deputy for my maternity leave with Haleth about.
From: [info] Date: 09/26/2007 17:52:31  


*eyes widen in sympathy* :s

*doesn't know who Haleth is but assumes she's good if she can replace you and all*

*yeah, is totally at a loss what you really need so sticks to good ol' food* Oh, but... say, if you want some company? My fridge is kinda empty and it's $3.99 spaghetti night at Luigi's. ... I usually go with Mablung and he gets all-u-can-eat and teases me cause I only finish half.
From: [info]belthronding Date: 09/26/2007 18:12:27  

*smiles warmly* Well, I can't promise to do justice to Luigi's all-u-can-eat but we don't need to tell Mablung that. I am rather hungry, though, so if you're not busy --?
From: [info] Date: 09/26/2007 18:18:34  

*brightly gets to her feet* Oh, I'm free! You're talking to someone who cleans out her spare room for fun. *grabs her bike to walk it along* It's really good, you'll like it. I think it used to be a diner 'cause they have those little tiny jukeboxes on all the tables but they hardly ever work, so I just guess what the songs are. X)
Community: [info]opus_two
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