opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*feels good after one job slightly well done* (*would feel bad about breaking up a marriage, honestly, but she's just so mean!*)

*is still bothered by something else, though*

*has given the matter plenty of time and patient thought and has decided on a course of action that is most appropriate*

...*makes her way to Celegorm's bedroom*

Tags: celegorm, vendore

From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 09/25/2007 09:57:29  

*is standing in front of the sink in the master bath, contemplating a package of brown hair dye with a mixture of curiosity and revulsion*

*gives a start when in his peripheral vision he sees you appear out of nowhere*

*turns and has a better look* Well. That's something one doesn't see every day.
From: [info]melante Date: 09/25/2007 10:02:17  

*ignores you and instead wanders around the room poking through your things* *can't help but be fascinated by the strange things you people consider "important"*

*picks a tie from your closet and begins playing with it* You're not a very nice man.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 09/25/2007 10:08:11  

*comes out of the bathroom and leans against his bureau, crossing his arms*

*vaguely wonders if this is going to be as generally entertaining/mind-boggling as the average conversation with Oromë*

*dryly* Oh, you got that memo? You have me at a disadvantage, Lady...?
From: [info]melante Date: 09/25/2007 10:22:00  

*dismissively* Vendórë.

*lays the tie on her lap and ties it into a perfect knot without the benefit of a neck* Hmm.

Yes, you are mean. You are cruel and thoughtless and you care very little for the feelings of others. *tilts her head and looks at you* Is there any remorse there at all?
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 09/25/2007 10:30:50  

Is there any remorse there at all?

*with a tone of perfect neutrality* That depends upon the victim. And the seriousness of the victim's offense against me.

Surely someone as...concerned for the feelings of others as you seem to be must know how very unmannerly it is to appear, unannounced, in the home of a complete stranger? My lady?
From: [info]melante Date: 09/25/2007 10:35:18  

It seems strange that you understand animals so well and can't even begin to comprehend humans. Did you know that kindness and generosity, both in thought and deed, are considered to be virtues? But I suppose if an action will not benefit yourself personally, it is not worth doing.

*puts the tie down* *almost, but not quite, angrily* But then that's not the problem at all, is it? Indifference is not a crime. While it does not speak well of your character, indifference is allowable -- forgivable. You, however, take joy in going out of your way to cause hurt to others who you deem less worthy than yourself or those you hold dear.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 09/25/2007 10:49:16  

But I suppose if an action will not benefit yourself personally, it is not worth doing.

*sharply* Quite. And you are a fool, lady, if you believe anyone else does otherwise. What you would call altruistic acts are nothing more than phony displays of beneficence to a vainglorious end.

*is by now rather annoyed by your presence in his home* *continues mostly out of the resulting desire to be especially vile* I take joy in personal gain, as you have already noted. Very often said efforts involve educating my inferiors as to their proper place in the world, yes. Their objections are incidental and no concern of mine.
From: [info]melante Date: 09/25/2007 10:54:18  

my inferiors

*laughs happily* And there it is, the very problem. You think yourself so superior.

*stands and starts pacing the room, talking faster and mostly ignoring your presence at all* I've been at quite a loss for how to counter it. At first I thought to turn you to animal, since you behave so like one. I thought it would treat you to appreciate human attributes more. But I thought Yavanna might not like that and Oromë might accidentally kill you -- not much of a loss, though -- and Father would probably be displeased. *by way of explanation, as if it needs an explanation* He likes his animals to stay animals and his humans to stay humans. Mostly.

*stands and faces you, with her hands clasped* *happily* But I came up with something better.
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 09/25/2007 11:01:04  

*half-listens to you talk while he compulsively neatens the things around the room that you've displaced*

*listens more closely with each word as he realises that being so blunt was perhaps not the optimal course of action here*

*ends up standing stock-still with teh ph33r, his full attention focused on you*

From: [info]melante Date: 09/25/2007 11:03:10  

*brightly* Yes! *claps her hand (mostly for effect) and then giggles and actually bounces a little when she sees the change*

It's perfect!
From: [info]tyelcormo Date: 09/25/2007 11:08:03  

*impatiently* What's perfect?! *blinks at the sound of his own voice* Oh my Eru what did you do to my—

*catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror*



*faints dead away*
From: [info]melante Date: 09/25/2007 11:11:58  

*steps over to your hideous body*

*pats your greasy head*

*whispers into your waxy ear* Maybe this will teach you a lesson.

*leaves the way she came, quite happy with herself!*
Community: [info]opus_two
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