opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*does his level best to parse the data he collected from Mablung, but is finding it unexpectedly challenging*

*hears traces of discord signatures that have affected very specific parts of his memory*

*finds enough traces about Túrin to be very, very concerned*

*e-posts a copy of the data and his report to Ulmo*

*sends a secured APB to the non-Túrin Valar recommending a red-alert status and to be on the watch*

Current Mood: worried
Tags: ulmo, irmo

From: [info]ulluboz Date: 10/06/2007 10:42:42  

*Reads your report*

*Phones you as soon as you're done.*

Irmo? Are you sure about this?
From: [info] Date: 10/06/2007 10:53:28  

*a little restlessly*

I've been over and over it. He says he thought he saw Túrin. But the part we need? He doesn't remember. It's like it's been wiped.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 10/10/2007 18:00:37  

You'd think there'd be at least something left if the amnesia were due to the injuries, even if it were just a trace. Nothing being left at all does suggest ainu involvement.

Which leaves Melkor (unlikely) or Turin (don't want it to be likely).
From: [info] Date: 10/10/2007 20:40:22  

Melkor or Túrin

Túrin's the source regardless. If we don't get a lock on this...? *doesn't finish that though since it's pretty obvious what it's going to come to*

*oscillates his knee, jittery* How's Manwë gonna take this?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 10/11/2007 07:30:42  

I don't know. From how he was in the meeting, I get the feeling he knows, or at least suspects, more than he's really letting on. He was a thoughtful quiet, not his usual "I'm bored, get me out of here" quiet.
From: [info] Date: 10/11/2007 09:05:36  

*completely takes your word where Manwë's concerned* If we have to send Túrin out...? :s

*frustrated* At the meeting we didn't even see it with Mablung, I was we were looking at the other two.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 10/11/2007 19:52:49  

Ever get the feeling of deja vu?

Hindsight is 20-20, don't beat yourself up.
From: [info] Date: 10/12/2007 07:54:57  

Never without looking twice. ;) :s

I'm not going to miss anything else, not this time. I better check in at the MHC again. And ask the wife to put the coffee on.
Community: [info]opus_two
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