opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
*Sprawls on a sofa in a living room in Ilmarin.*

*Reacquaints himself with the contents of his drinks cabinet after having reacquainted himself with the proceedure for voiding a vala.

I mean, it's not like it was really your brother you were voiding again, it was just a reflection of him, an echo.

*Downs a shot of whiskey*

Sounded an awful lot like him though.

*Refills his glass and swirls the drink, staring at it thoughtfully*

Part of you wanted it to be him though.

*Knocks back that shot.*

That would be the same part of you that feels guilty for going through with it.
Who the fuck am I talking to anyway?
Oh. Myself. That's terrible company.


Shut up brain. Have more drink.

Current Mood: depressed
Tags: manwe, ulmo

From: [info]ulluboz Date: 11/30/2007 19:00:20  

*Pops his head around the door*


*Sighs* Oh for Eru's sake. How many have you had?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 11/30/2007 19:06:43  

They're only liddle bottles.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 11/30/2007 19:10:59  

Yes, because when you pour a large amount of drink into many, small receptacles, the alcohol atoms leak out, making it less potent.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 11/30/2007 19:17:57  

*Toasts you* Tha's a good theory, I like that one.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 11/30/2007 19:25:19  

Do you want to talk about this?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 11/30/2007 19:28:02  

What? The mini-bar alcohol atom dissipation theory?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 11/30/2007 19:30:26  

NO, the fact that your brother came back for an encore.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 12/01/2007 17:16:40  

Oh that.

No, not really, I wouldn't.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 12/01/2007 17:19:08  

Are you going to talk to your wife about it? 'Cause let's face it, she'll be the one dragging you up off the floor after you finish this binge o' little bottles, so she's probably owed an explanation at least.
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 12/01/2007 17:23:22  

From: [info]ulluboz Date: 12/01/2007 17:32:09  

Okay fine. Don't talk about your woah-oh-oh feelings. Can we at least discuss the situation with the kindreds? They went to war and are still on a knife edge because of something one of our number did. Is anyone going to let them know what the score is so they can stop threatening to kill eachother?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 12/01/2007 17:36:13  

Are you volunteering?
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 12/01/2007 18:11:55  

Who? Me? Naw, I mean, I wouldn't go running off, being all interventionist without discussing it with the others, I mean, Eru, what do you take me for?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 12/01/2007 18:14:22  

Thought you wouldn't.

*Takes a drink.*

I'd never sanction anything like that.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 12/01/2007 18:16:13  

Would you even remember if you did?
From: [info]manawenuz Date: 12/01/2007 18:18:21  

*Looks at the pile of empty bottles on the floor*

Proba'ly not.

Go on then.
From: [info]ulluboz Date: 12/01/2007 18:20:14  


I'll call you Tuesday.

*Disembodies and makes his way across to Middle Earth.*
Community: [info]opus_two
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