opus_two <% /!UseJournal %>
{Before everything went down, Yavanna had been certain it was all just a hoax. I mean, they'd already beat him. Once was enough, right? Now everything seems to be stabilizing, but she's not sure where they go next. Órë's in one piece, but the Kindreds aren't. But maybe it's not their job to deal with that.}

*retreats to Doriath for a while, figuring she can at least get control over the things she's got power over*

*and, you know, it was pretty much all she's been putting up a fight over up until the board meeting and all* :s

*walks a border around the forest, checking things out*

*half wonders if Ulmo's around* *he always has the scoop*

Current Mood: listless
Tags: yavanna, aule

From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 13:11:41  

*emerges from somewhere in the depths below Delving, using routes the Kindreds don't know*

*shakes dust from his hair*

*is entirely preoccupied with thinking about the foundations of Órë that he doesn't see you till the very last second*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 13:17:49  

*half-staring off in front of her, doesn't rightly notice you either until she's in front of you*

*startled* Mandos! Oh sorry. *frowns* You in town?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 13:38:59  

*offers you a tentative smile* *gruffly* More like under town. Checking the foundations. You know how it is.

You doing okay?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 13:47:13  

Yeah, at least the place didn't crumble in on us them. *shakes her head a little disgustedly*

*shrugs* Usual I guess. *looks around* It's weird. I'm not the only one who thinks that right?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 14:34:33  

*nods briefly* It is weird. Doesn't surprise me, in some ways. Melkor was always pretty smart. Shame about the new guy, though. He had potential.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 14:40:18  

Yeah, sure, I guess. All part of the plan, or whatever. Melkor always does like to screw those up.

*kicks a stone out of the way* *looks at the ground* Aulendil helping you with the... everything?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 15:05:58  

I've actually told him to stay at the lab. *looks faintly concerned* Don't want him to be exposed to that kind of Music, just in case he starts to remember anything.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 15:14:13  

in case he starts to remember anything

You can say that again. :\ *sits down* I didn't trust him before this, I sure don't now. *in what is probably overkill* You should really keep an eye on him.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 15:18:04  

*barely manages to rein in his irritation at that statement* Yes, Kementári, I've been keeping an eye on him since we got here. Why else would I have installed him in our granny flat?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 15:24:31  

*opens her mouth then shuts it again*

Sorry. :s

*runs a hand through her hair*


It wasn't your fault, okay, it wasn't. Just can't be too sure these days is all.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 15:26:48  

I know. I know. I don't want to make the same mistake with Aulendil here. I'm being careful.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 15:31:49  

*uncomfortably* That's good.

I don't know. He weirds me out. He's just so desperate for approval.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 15:33:03  

Well -- *hesitates* -- at least it's my approval he's desperate for? And not Melkor's or -- or -- Túrin's?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 15:35:49  

That's true.

*tries for something lighthearted* You could have your very own minion if you play it right. ;)
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 16:54:57  

*snorts and makes his own attempt at humour* Well, he'll do until I get round to creating Dwarves again.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 16:56:44  


*gives you a look* Yeah, because that worked out so well the first time?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 16:59:55  

*raises an eyebrow* Need I remind you that one of their number helped in the downfall of Aulendil on Arda?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:02:00  

Oh, right.

Eh. Given what Manwë's like these days who knows what you'd get by.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 17:06:57  

*frowns a little*

Still -- at least Varda seems to be pretty much on the ball?
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:09:36  

Oh so you think Varda'd veto the dwarves plan? Yeah she does have a sharp eye about her. ;)
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 17:11:00  

*actually laughs* I can't imagine Dwarves would fit into her overall aesthetic plan.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:17:17  

*relaxes* No, she'd be too busy perfecting the latest conference room accessory for the Board Meetings. :p

*stands up and stretches kinks out of her back*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 17:22:52  

*automatically reaches out and rubs the base of your back* That's true enough. Although she hasn't said much about Board Meetings recently.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:28:07  

*dips her head a little* *ohh* Shame, too. I nearly had it there with the Quotas. ;)

*pats dust off your sleeve* You should get cleaned up.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 17:30:20  

*grins* Well, maybe you can save up your Quota results for when we all get back on track.

*rolls his neck* Yes, you're probably right. *looks up at the leaves of the trees* *tries to decide whether to go to the lab first and decides against it* I guess I'll had home now?.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:40:00  

Damn straight. That's practically all I've got. ;) *...* *WINCE*

Well you've got another day underground tomorrow. You should take it easy. *wipes a little more off your face*
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 17:44:11  

*reaches up and lightly grasps your fingertips* Come on, then. Let's see if we can't muster up a bottle of wine while we're at it.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:47:49  

*drops her hand, letting you hold it* I could murder a pizza right now.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 17:51:06  

*reaches into his pocket and dials a certain speed-dial*

*orders a Vala-sized Vegetarian Pizza*

*grins at you* I swear, it could be an actual nuclear holocaust and that pizza place would not close.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 17:56:56  

Well some things are Sacred, you know.

*starts to walk in the direction of home* I mean if hardly anything we do seems as easy as last time at least we've got pizza.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 18:10:33  

*sagely* There's always pizza, yes.

*slips his arm around your waist as though it's the most natural thing in the world*
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 18:17:05  

*after a few more steps, slings her arm around your shoulder*

*mentally checking herself* It was, right? Easier before? Or maybe not.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 18:19:51  

I think we came into Órë expecting to know it all and we don't. Which makes it harder.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 18:27:09  

to know it all

*doesn't point out the obvious, i.e. the fact that includes relationships* Doesn't make sense. All this power and we can't even know everything?
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 18:29:47  

If we knew it all without trying, we'd be giving Dad a run for his money.

*turns his head to plant a kiss on your temple* We've still a good way to go before that.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 18:33:47  

*turns her face away from yours*

Yeah, we usually do.
From: [info]a3ulez Date: 12/02/2007 18:40:22  

*looks steadfastly ahead* We will, Yavanna. We will.
From: [info]yavannapalurien Date: 12/02/2007 18:49:22  

*slips her arm down, doesn't move away*

*noncomittally goes quiet*

*glances at you carefully, then looks ahead again*
Community: [info]opus_two
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