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{The war or wannabe-war has passed in a blur for Eärwen because of her daughter's disappearance. She never shows that much interest in current affairs at the best of times and she has been unable to think about anything for the past number of weeks except for her daughter.}

*has her daughter back!* *doesn't let her out of her sight for even one minute, once she's been checked over by a doctor*

*suddenly realises that she's very hungry and starts to wonder when the last time she ate - or slept - was*

From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/06/2007 08:46:56  

*is about as frazzled as you are, having spent every spare minute in recent memory (a) keeping Thingol at bay, and (b) searching for his former daughter*

*tracks you down following today's lecture, "The Health Benefits of Cease-fires"*

Why don't you get some rest? I can take Galadriel for a little while.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/06/2007 10:37:57  

Can we go to da candy store?
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/06/2007 11:06:07  

*has observed that while you don't seem overtly traumatized by whatever it is you went through, you do seem to be pretty well hopped up on sugar*

We'll have some healthy, healthy, sugarless dessert after dinner, all right? We don't want to spoil your appetite.
From: [info]telerinprincess Date: 12/09/2007 19:28:00  

*stifles a yawn and leans against you companionably* Thank Eru someone is talking sense.

*offers you a small smile*
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/09/2007 20:15:23  

*curls his arm around you and kisses your forehead*

I lettered in sense back in the day. Mother was so proud.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/10/2007 20:30:10  

*isn't liking the way this is going* *especially all the kissing. weird.*

*hopefully* Can we have dessert for dinner?
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/10/2007 20:36:38  

*grins* *innocently* Dessert...dessert...that's the bit with meat, right? And asparagus? And milk for strong teeth and bones?
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/10/2007 20:39:09  

*quite seriously* The milk is for the cookies and the asparagus is for the dogs. They like it lots. Oromë told me so.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/10/2007 20:48:24  

*raises an eyebrow* Oh, do they? I've heard that little girls like asparagus more if they want even one single, solitary low-fat cookie afterward. The cookies are strangely invisible otherwise.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/10/2007 20:59:11  

*looks up at you, considering*

*shakes her head* Nope. Ván-- *pauses, remembering the promise of "cookies and candy and coke forever and ever" if she never mentions where she was the past few weeks* --Vanyar give their kids lots of cookies and no asparagus at all.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/10/2007 21:05:45  

*looks eminently interested* Really? I didn't know. My mommy's a Vanya, though. Maybe we should ask her how that works, exactly.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/10/2007 21:07:39  

*nods firmly* I bet she'd be real interested to know about it. She prob'bly wants me to have lots of cookies. Let's go now. Right now.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/10/2007 21:10:19  

*frowns and shakes his head* Oh, that won't do, I'm afraid. She's a very busy woman. We'll have to make an appointment. Let's say... *glances at his watch* ...Friday?

And we'd better bravely attack a side of asparagus tonight. You know, just to be safe.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/10/2007 21:19:02  

*squints her eyes at you in a detectivey sort of way*

You're trying to trick me. *points a finger at you* I'm on to you buddy. You think you're clever, but you're not. *squints even more adorably menacingly* I see riiiiiight through you.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/10/2007 21:24:27  

*will. not. laugh.*

*holds up his hands* Them's just the facts, ma'am. Don't shoot the messenger. My mama didn't raise no crooks. Except maybe just the one.
From: [info]nerwende Date: 12/10/2007 21:26:41  

*stares at you solemnly for a few moments*

Fine. You win this round. But this is not over. I'll be watching. And waiting. And when you least expect it. Cookies.
From: [info]ingoldo Date: 12/10/2007 21:33:28  

*gives a small, respectful nod to show you he's aware who he's up against*

*totally wins at negotiations*
Community: [info]opus_two
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